Diary Entries From 25 December to 16 February 1982
The USA Travel Diary series starts HERE.
Date: 2/2/82
Place: Chicago
Weather: too bloody ridiculous for words
Note from Greg in 2023: For context, from what I recall from what Trenna told me the background to the Chicago visit was as follows.
Toni had met a nice, attractive sailor, Wayne, when he was on shore leave in Perth. They went to Chicago to catch up with him.
However it turns out that he had left the Navy and got out of shape and was way less attractive. It also turns out that he lived with his Dad who was a very overpowering personality (I think ex-military as well).
The Dad thought Trenna and Toni would be interested in his very extensive beer can collection – which they obviously weren’t. He had also developed a very full itinerary that involved getting up early each day. The girl’s just weren’t interested in that.
It also turns out Wayne had two sisters, Debbie and Sharon who didn’t get on with the Dad and lived elsewhere – Trenna took an instant liking to these authority buckers!
Tuesday 2nd February
Caught the bus to Chicago. I was not looking forward to this bus ride. Wayne and his Dad picked us up at the station.
I swear Wayne was uglier than ever. We didn’t do anything the first night. We just got an ear bashing from everyone. The entire family talks so loud. Fast and all at once.
Wednesday 3rd February
We got up at 12 and we never heard the end of it from everyone.
Wayne took us to the Chicago Historical Society. It wasn’t bad. We were supposed to go to the Zoo but Toni and I were freezing to death.
Wayne got really shitty and went and sulked in his room.
Date: 3/2/82
Place: Chicago
Weather: El freezing o
We went to an ice hockey match with Wayne his two sisters Debbie and Sharon, their friend, and Wayne’s friend Ron, who didn’t shut up all night. He nearly drove me crazy.
We went to some bar after the game to celebrate the Blackhawk’s first victory in 10 games, they won 9 – 5. Afterwards we went for a pizza. By the time we got home I was ready to shoot Ronnie baby through the head. My right ear was numb from the raving on.

Date: 5/2/82
Place: Chicago
Weather: freeze ya nuts off weather
Friday 3rd February
The old man woke us at 9. We had a bath (they had no shower). We were ready to leave by 11. Wayne’s dad was chucking a mental cos we took so long, but we were so pissed off with them we didn’t give a shit. We went to some museum and then went to Chinatown to eat.
Fortune Cookie:
“You are contemplating some action which will bring credit upon you.”
We were supposed to go to a club at night but Toni and I both have got colds and we decided not to go. Well, poor Waynee (or moose as he appropriately is nicknamed) got in such a huff he went out by himself. He didn’t talk to us. I think we’ll leave here earlier.
Date: 6/2/82
Where: Ice Cold Chicago
Weather: freezing
Saturday 6th February
Got up late again and went through the usual ear bashing from Wayne’s dad.
We went tobogganing with a whole bunch of people at 8 pm. It was -30°F. Toni and I were so cold our toes burnt. We didn’t go on the sled, we stayed in the cabin.

Afterwards we went to a bar called John’s Garage where Deb, Wayne’s older sister works. It was great. I had a yummy drink called a Melon Calada, it was really nice. We went to another bar afterwards then home. Wayne sulked again.
Date: 7/2/82
Place: Chicago
Weather: no prize for guessing
Sunday 7th February
Got up at 11 am, Wayne’s old man wouldn’t even talk to us. Wayne probably told him we didn’t go on the toboggan.
We picked up Deb and Sharon at 2 pm and went to another hockey match. The Blackhawks won again, 5–2. Deb and Sharon went nuts about the game.
After the game we went to John’s Garage. We had a meal and a Midori Daiquiri. A great drink. Loudmouth Ron showed up but I totally ignored him. Toni and I had a good time talking.
Date: 8/2/82
Place: Chicago
Weather: as usual below zero
Monday 8th February
Got up at 10 am and packed. My hair was so dirty but I had to leave it because there’s no shower and it’s horrible trying to wash your hair in the bath.
Luckily we’re not staying another week because Michael is returning home for four days on Friday. I would’ve really gone crazy if there was another nutso in the house. We said bye to the oldies, “hurrah!”
Sharon and Debbie met us at Wayne’s place and we went to ”Water Tower” which is where all the “richeys” shop.
We went to a bar, had a drink and ate tacos. We then went to the bus station. We said bye to Moose. What a dick brain. The bus to Memphis was packed, it broke down and we were two hours late arriving at 10 am.
Date: 9/2/82
Place: Memphis
Weather: 26° F
Tuesday 9th February
Caught a taxi to Days Inn. For a 10 minute drive we were charged $22, what a rip off! We had a much-needed shower and then went on the Elvis memorial tour.
We went to Graceland and saw the grave of Elvis. We saw where he previously lived and we went to Sun Studios. It was great. I bet Nancy would’ve loved it. We met Elvis’ Uncle Vester and his cousin.

Date: 11/2/82 to 13/2/82
Place: Memphis – New Orleans
Weather: cool and cloudy
Thursday 11th February
Our cab from the hotel to the Greyhound station only cost $10 this time. Tip included. I sort of get the impression we were ripped off before.
Our trip to New Orleans took from 11:30 am until 10 pm. We met a few hillbillies on the bus and some CB nuts.
There were 10 of them and we had a laugh or two with them. We booked into Howard Johnson’s.
Saturday 13th February
We went on a night club tour. What a laugh. We were picked up at the hotel by a bus. I don’t think the driver had driven a bus before. We hit every curb by the time we had picked up all the other people going on the tour.
We felt a bit out of place, the bus was full of white haired 65-year-old “swingers”. This didn’t deter us though.
Off we went to the Top of the Mart. A revolving club which offered a breathtaking view of New Orleans. After that we went to the Hilton to see the Pete Fountain Show, a real Dixieland show with all the oldies really getting into it.
After a finger snapping time there it was off to Cafe du Monde. For coffee and beignets (doughnuts). We shared a table with a black couple. They were very nice.
We were only meant to stay 20 minutes, but we got carried away chatting, we had to run to the bus and when we got on all the oldies (those who weren’t already asleep that is) clapped at our arrival.
Date: 13/2/82 – 14/2/82
Place: New Orleans
Weather: cool and light rain
Sunday 14th of February
I rang Colin to tell him when we were due home. We caught a bus into New Orleans about 1 pm and watched one of the Mardi Gras parades. There were untold people there. Most of them already drunk.
We caught a few trinkets that were thrown into the crowd by the people on the float.
After the parade we went down Bourbon Street which is full of bars, strip joints and gift shops. Everyone drinks in the street. There are tap dancers, magicians, mime artists, and all sorts out to make a buck. It was great. I’ve never seen a place quite like it.
Date: 14 2/82 – 17/2/82
Place: New Orleans – Dallas
Weather: cool cloudy and wet
Tuesday 16th February
Got up at 5:30 am would you believe and caught a plane to Dallas.