15 Year Old Trenna’s Own Words
This series of transcripts starts here.
16 – 30 April 1973
Monday 16 April
I got up at 7.30 and then went to breakfast. Sue and I had breakfast with Ruth and Marg. I got dressed for work and then left.
I seem to be doing a lot more filing out the back and I could bloody kill Cheryl for making me do it. I was glad to get home.
We had tea at 5.30 and then we went up to Ruth’s room and talked about what we all used to do last year.
How Ruth used to live at Swanleigh and the things that she used to do, and they were really funny.
Sue told us how she went over to Sydney in a Combi with Paul and some other kids, and how they were stone broke. I told them about some things that I used to do at Craig House.
Then Sue and I went and watched Number 96 on TV, it wasn’t very interesting. We had supper then went up to bed. I read for awhile and now at 10.45 I’m off to sleep.
Tuesday 17 April
I got up at 7.30 and went down to breakfast. Margaret was in a really bad mood. I had breakfast without hardly speaking one word.
Sue left a bit early for tech today. I got dressed and then walked to work.
I’ve got a lot of invoices to post out today. Matron rang me at 11.30 and said that she managed to get Child Welfare to give me $50 to buy some close with, thank goodness. I couldn’t believe my luck.
The afternoon dragged and I couldn’t wait to go back to GFS to tell Sue about the money. Sue was pretty envious when I told her about it.
Had tea at 5.15. Then afterwards Sue and I walked down to the shop. Came back just in time to watch Number 96. It was a bit better tonight.
I had a cup of tea for supper, and now I’m going to bed, it’s 10.30 and I’m tired.
Wednesday 18 April
I got up at 7.00 and went to breakfast. Sue has to leave for Tech early on Wednesdays. Sue left at 7:30 and then I had a shower and dressed and left for work.
Work was pretty much the same as usual. I got back to GFS at 5.10 and found a letter waiting for me, it was my $50. We had tea and then went up to Ruth’s room.
We were talking about Margaret and how she was always pinching things when I remembered Sue’s bag was missing (Margaret took).
Sue went and told Mrs Cole and she was really funny. Mrs Cole was saying, “we must act tonight, we will set a trap”. Sue and I were killing ourselves laughing.
Then Mrs Cole came up to our room. She said she had come up the fire escape so no one would see her, when she left we had a fit of laughing.
Honestly, Mrs Cole is senile, she’s really mad. Well I’m to sleep now if I can.
Thursday 19 April
I got up at 7am had a shower. Work seemed to go pretty slowly. After work I hurried into town and bought a black body shirt and black, red and grey striped jumper out of the money I got from Child Welfare.
I got back to GFS at 5.30, got changed and packed my bags.
Sue liked my jumper. Janette came at 6.15. We went back to Janette’s place and Mrs Nelson gave me a black and white striped batwing jumper for an Easter present. I couldn’t believe it!
We drove down to the camp at 7.00 in the Combi. When we got there it was really cold, and I mean cold! Janette and I got beds next to each other in the big dormitory. We’re in a group called the Bananas.
We made our beds and then we went and had supper. I’m now getting into the sleeping bag that Mr Nelson borrowed me, but I know with all the talking in here I won’t get any sleep for at least 3 hours.
Friday 20 April, Good Friday
I woke at 7.00 and it was freezing cold.
GM: No more entry for Friday 20 or Saturday 21 April.
Sunday 22 April
We woke up at 7.30 and got ready for breakfast. I wished everyone a Happy Easter, which for once I was enjoying, better than when I usually stay at the Anderson’s.
Breakfast was at 8.00 and we were given a memory verse from the Bible again. After breakfast we tidied the room for hut inspection, then we dressed for church. I wore Janette’s red, tie at the back dress.
Straight after church, which lasted an hour, we had lunch. In the afternoon everyone in the camp was taken to Serpentine Falls where we had a barbecue tea.
It was Dorothy’s (Jan’s sister) birthday, so Mr Nelson had come up.
He drove Janette and I back to the camp. We had a meeting from 7.00 until 8.00 and Janette and Kaye had to get up and sing a song together.
Afterwards, each group had to do a skit in front of everyone. I didn’t go in ours, it was not very good. “Irene White”.
We had supper. Carne (Phyllis Diller) got really sick and had to go home and nearly everyone was bawling, so Toby came and slept in the same dormitory as me.
Monday 23 April
Easter Monday still at camp.
I got up at 8.00, we slept in a bit too late today. Janette and I went to the table in our pyjamas because we didn’t have time to change, but we got told to go and change.
We had to hurry to get our dormitory ready for hut inspection, which we did just in time. I got in a bad mood with Janette because she walked off and left me by myself.
Then Janette came in and apologised and we went out in the rain, down to the creek and caught 41 frogs.
Then we had lunch, we found out that our group, the Bananas, had come 4th and the Pomegranates had come 1st.
After lunch we got the frogs and we threw some into the showers while Kaye and other girls were having them. Then Toby put a frog in my jeans.
We left at 3.30 and got back about five. We had tea then after tea Mr Nelson drove me back to GFS.
Janette asked me to go to her place tomorrow night and maybe go to Putt Putt. Now I’m going to get a decent night sleep for once.
Tuesday 24 April
My alarm went off at 7.00 but I didn’t get up until 20 to 9, I had to really hurry and get dressed. Luckily I got to work just in time. I didn’t take my umbrella and it was raining very heavily .
I didn’t do any typing at all at work, I did all filing. It was really quiet at work. When it was fairly late in the afternoon, Kathy said that we could leave at 4.30.
I hurried back to GFS and got changed into my Levi’s and then caught the bus to Janette’s. I got there at about 20 to 6 and luckily just before a really heavy shower.
We had tea which was fish and chips and fried prawns.
We had intended on going to Putt Putt but decided it was far too wet. Mr Nelson showed these movie films of when they were in Switzerland and England. Then he showed me some films of when Jan was 2, 3, 4, and 7 years old, they were really gorgeous.
And then we watched a thing on TV called The Comedians. Then Mr Nelson drove me back to GFS.
I stayed and watched the end of a late night movie with Margaret, now at 12, bed time.
Wednesday 25 April, Anzac Day
I got up at 8 and had a shower and washed my hair. Then at about 15 to 10 [9.45] I walked up St Georges Terrace to where the Legacy kids had always met before for the ANZAC day parade.
I spoke to Mr Ford, Mr McDonald and Mr Bretnal. Robert Hollis was the only person from Craig House who was marching.
I followed the parade around to the Esplanade. It made me really sentimental thinking of the times I had marched with the rest of the kids from Craig House.
I walked back to GFS and rang Janette and arranged to go to her place in the afternoon. I caught a bus to her place and when I got there seeing it was a fine day even though really cold we decided to go to Putt Putt.
Mr and Mrs Nelson had one game with us and then they went. At about 4pm Kim Kenny and Rob came and we had a game with Kim.
I like Kim and Rob the best but I’m sure they don’t feel the same about me.
We went back to Jan’s and had tea. Then Mr Nelson drove me back to GFS.
And now I think I’ll go to bed early and get a good night’s sleep.
Thursday 26 April
Sue woke me at 7.30 luckily or else I would’ve slept until I don’t know when. Had breakfast then went up and lay on my bed for about half an hour. Then I left for work, it doesn’t seem like Thursday, it seems like Monday.
I did filing all day, and went into town, but I didn’t buy anything. I met Margaret on the way back and walked back to GFS with her.
We had tea then I went up to my room and just sat around while Sue did the rest of her shorthand. Then we went up to Fruitorium.
Sue wore a cheese cloth shirt with the buttons only done up halfway and you could see her boobs. You should’ve seen Peter’s eyes bulge out.
We both bought pizza which was thoroughly revolting, it tasted of nothing but salt.
Then we walked back to GFS. I had some supper then I got into bed then I read one of Sue’s True Confessions, now I’m going to sleep.
Friday 27 April
I got up at 7.30 had breakfast and went to work. Cheryl and I had to clean out all the files which wasn’t exactly fun.
Had lunch then just after left for my Dr Walsh’s appointment. It was at 2pm. I was there only half an hour, he just put drops in my eyes and made an appointment for me in three months time.
Instead of going back to work I went into town. I was just buying some grey Oxford Bags when Sue and Julie came in, so I walked around with them. I bought two pairs of stockings and a blue cardigan.
I went back to GFS packed my bags to go to Janette’s. I got there at nearly 6pm. We had tea then we went to their Club.
Kerry, one of the girls there, had her fringe cut straight across, it looked really horrible.
We took most of the kids back to their homes, then we went back to Janette’s and had a cup of tea and some toasted cheese sandwiches and now I’m off to sleep, and in a much more comfortable bed than the one at GFS.
Saturday 28 April
Mrs Nelson woke us at 8.30 and we found that it was rainy and had been all night. We had breakfast then Mrs Nelson drove us into town.
I bought a nighty, two pairs of pance (sic), a slip and a pair of bras. We went to this Christian shop for Janette’s mum and bought some stickers and books.
Then Janette rang up her mum to ask if we could stay in town to see Henry XIII and His Six Wives.
We had lunch at the Petite Restaurant. Then we went to the theatre, the film was really good, but not nearly as good as The Poseidon Adventure.
We went back to Janette’s for tea then I packed my bag’s and after that we went to Putt Putt. Both Janette and I wore black shoes, grey Oxford bags, and pink jumpers but none of them were the same.
There were quite a few kids from Kent Street. Ian Farely came, he didn’t say very much to us, he had a game with his sister then went.
Mr Nelson drove me back to GFS, Sue isn’t home, and I’m not even going to unpack. I’m just going to flop into bed.
Sunday 29 April
I woke up at about 8.00 but I didn’t get up till 10.45. When I did I tidied the room up and then had a shower and washed my hair. I went down to lunch with Norma.
After lunch I did a bit of washing, mind you, a very little bit. Then after I did that I just lay on my bed and listened to Casey Kasem play the top 40 hits of the last five years on the radio.
Had tea at 5.15. Which was very out of place as it was cold salad and a really cold night. After tea I watched a bit of TV until eight and then I went up to my room and got into my pyjamas (or should I say, my new nighty).
Then I got into bed and read some of Sue’s True Confessions.
Sue got home at 8.30 and we talked for awhile and now it’s 9.45 and I’m about to go to bed.
Monday 30 April
I got up at 7.00 and had a shower, not a very good one though. Went down to breakfast. I got dressed and then went to work.
I was scared Kathy or Mr West might say something about me not coming back to work on Friday, but luckily they didn’t.
I did typing all day, which I quite enjoyed. I walked home, all day I had the terrible feeling that I had started my period but I hadn’t although they are due.
Had tea then at about 7.30 Sue and I walked up the shop and I bought some cheese and a packet of cheese biscuits and we went back to GFS and nearly made ourselves sick by eating so many.
Then I got changed into my pyjamas and got into bed and read one of Sue’s True Confessions.
It’s now 10.15 and I’m about to turn off the lights and go to sleep.
Greg’s Comments
Those poor 41 frogs! I know that in later life Trenna would be horrified about mistreating animals like that. But in 1973 when the environment was virtually NEVER an issue?? When you are 15?? I suspect it was pretty normal behaviour.
In The Kitchen Tapes, No. 17 (here) Trenna describes herself as being “mortified” that Janette did a dissection of a frog at the camp.
It sounds like on on 24 April when Trenna watches “The Comedians” on TV it is the first time she has seen it. I remember it but don’t recall when I first saw it – probably around this time. It was basically a bunch of British Comedians doing stand up. It wasn’t anything I had seen before.

3 replies on “The 1973 Diary, Part 8”
When Tren received $50 from Child Welfare it was a big amount back in 1973 and I imagine she was able to buy quite a few items of clothing.
I empathise with her about being bored at work as my first job was the same and I quickly lost the skills learned at Business college.
Thanks for your comment Helen. Yes $50 would go a long way. The “Daily News” I put at the top of the post has a price of 5c, and at the bottom of the Movies page I included it’s clear that you can go to the Strand Restaurant in the city and get Chicken and Spaghetti for $1.40.
Love reading Tren’s diaries – takes me back to another time – cherished memories 💖