15 Year Old Trenna’s Own Words
This series of transcripts starts here.
1 – 15 July 1973
Sunday 1 July
I awoke at 9.00 when Beth was knocking on my door, but I didn’t get up until 11.30. I had lunch with Beth and I lied again about Friday night.
After lunch I talked to Beth while she did her ironing and then I watched TV. There was a really good movie that had Hayley Mills in it. I had seen it before.
Then I had tea and after tea I had a shower and washed my hair. Then I tidied my room which was in a complete mess.
After that I did a bit of washing and now at 7.30 I’m just sitting in my room waiting for the 8 o’clock movie to start. I watched the film which was really good. Then I had supper with everybody else for once.
Then I went up to Ruth’s room and talked to her for awhile. It’s now 10.15, good night.
Monday 2 July
Beth came and woke me up at 7.05 but we didn’t get down to breakfast until 7.30. After breakfast I went up to my room and got dressed for work. I washed a few underclothes then left.
Work was pretty boring today I didn’t have much to do at all. A new man started today his name is Trevor Gardner I can’t really say what he is like yet.
I got back to GFS at 5.15 and changed into my jeans. Beth came home a little later and I talked to her until Ruth came home and then we went and had tea.
Ruth got a funny letter from her mum. It had a lecture about her not being able to control her emotions etc! I washed quite a lot of my jumpers and tops then I had a shower and then washed out some more underclothes. It’s the first big wash I’ve had for ages.
I went down and watched Number 96 which was really good. I got myself a cup of tea, now at 10.15 I’m for bed with a slight touch of (tonselightess) [sic].
Tuesday 3 July
Beth woke me at 7.30 and then we went down to breakfast. I got dressed and left for work with Beth.
I just did some posting in the morning. Then at 12.30 I asked Kath if I could have time off to go to Dr Walsh.
I left work at 12.45 and walked back to GFS and changed into my Oxford bags. I caught a bus to the surgery I arrived a bit after 1.30.
I got seen to straight away. I had a whole lot of drops put into my eyes and Dr Walsh said that it might be wise to have an operation. He gave me a prescription for some drops.
I caught a bus back to GFS and changed into my summer Oxford bags as it was a lovely day.
I walked up to the chemist but they said I had to go back at 5.30. I went back and neither he nor a few chemists up the road had them. He said he would ring me tomorrow.
I had tea then afterwards I had a shower then talked to Ruth. Watched Number 96 now at 10.00 I’m off to bed.
Wednesday 4 July
Beth woke me at 7.30 and we went down to breakfast. We left the table at 8.10 which is really late. I got dressed and went to work.
No one said anything about yesterday. The guy from the chemist rang me at 10.00 and told me he would ring back later if he got the drops. He rang again at 1.00 and told me he had thank God.
I got back to GFS at 5.10 and changed into my jeans then walked to the chemist and collected my drops. When I got back to GFS I put some in, it hurt.
Had tea with Beth and Ruth. After tea I talked to Lynette and Norma. I was sitting in my room when I heard a lot of talking outside my door. I looked out and who should it be but Sue [Lee] she has come back to stay.
I talked to her while she unpacked. Then we watched Number 96.
I’ve just finished having a shower and Sue is trying to get to sleep and so will I as it is now 10.30.
Thursday 5 July
Sue woke me at 7.30 and we went and had breakfast. Sue left for Tech at 8.10 and I got dressed and left for work in a short-sleeved cardigan as it was a lot warmer today.
I did posting all day and in the afternoon I made afternoon tea for everyone. Ken King asked me to make him a cup of coffee.
He is about 29 and he is really nice. Well, I mean I think he would be a beautiful guy to have sex with he’s got a beautiful body.
I got back to GFS at 5.15 and had tea with Sue. Ruth got a letter from Margaret and I read it. Then Julie rang me and I talked to her for a good half hour.
Then I walked Sue into town as she was going out with Paul. She has really got some nice clothes now, some really nice blazers.
I watched a bit of TV and tried to pay my board but Mrs Cole wasn’t there. It’s now 9.20 I’m in bed and I’m going to read until Sue gets back.
Friday 6 July
I got up at 7.30 and had breakfast. Sue left at 8.10.
I was nearly about to change when who should appear in my doorway but Julie. We talked for a while she said her dad had driven her into town and she was early so she came and saw me before she met Sue [Butts].
She left at 8.30 and I quickly dressed and went to work.
There wasn’t much to do at work all the bosses are getting ready to go over East. I got back to GFS at 5.15 and Sue and I had tea then Sue got dressed to go into town.
I walked her to the Town Hall then walked back to GFS. I watched TV then I went and had some supper as there was only about five girls home.
It’s now 10.00 I’m not going to wait up for Sue I’m too tired.
Saturday 7 July
I woke up at 9.30 and got up at 10.00. I got dressed and then Sue and I walked into town.
We went into David Jones to look at some jumpers but there weren’t any nice ones so we went into Katies and I tried on a pair of brown jeans. I was going to lay-buy them but then decided I would buy them.
After I had bought them Sue went to meet Paul and I walked back to GFS. Sue came back when I was in the shower. Then we had lunch and her brother came and she went out.
I watched TV and then Sue came home in time for tea.
Then she went into town I watched TV and at 11.30 Sue came home. I went up to the room with her, she said she had broken up with Paul and she was really mad with herself.
It’s 12.15 and I’m off to bed.
Sunday 8 July
I woke up when Sue was called to the telephone. She went out at 11.00 and I got up and dressed. I went down and watched a bit of TV then I had lunch and then watched TV during the afternoon Summer Holiday which I’ve seen before.
Then I had tea and afterwards I had a shower. Sue came home at 6.30 and she said she had made up with Paul which I’m really glad about.
I just talked to Sue in my room for awhile then I went down and watched the movie. It was quite good.
When I went to get my cup to have some supper Sue was already in bed and nearly asleep. I had supper and was going to watch the late night horror movie but seeing I was the only one I decided to go to bed.
It is now 11.15 and I’m off to sleep, I don’t want to go to work tomorrow.
Monday 9 July
Sue woke me at 7.30 and and I went and had breakfast feeling pretty sick as I have got tonsillitis. My left eye seems to be going blurry again which is really annoying me. I got dressed and then left for work.
Work seems really deserted as Bob, Mr Fairless and Mr Heron have gone over East for a meeting. It was a pretty lazy day at work really. I did mainly filing.
I got back to GFS at 5.15 and then had tea.
After tea I tested Sue on her shorthand and read a magazine then I had a shower and then went down and watched Number 96, which is getting a lot better now.
I’m thinking of bringing my eye appointment forward as my eye is really shitting me off.
It’s now 10.00 and even though there is a hell of a lot of noise I’m going to try and go to sleep.
Tuesday 10 July
Sue woke me at 7.30 and we went down in the bitter cold as it is only 8°. I feel pretty rotten today and my eye has surely packed up. Sue left at 8.10 and I got dressed and went to work.
Noel came and told me there were two police women at the counter to see me. I nearly died
Kathy checked all the invoices today so all day long I did nothing but filing which really bored me.
I got back to GFS at 5.15 but Sue wasn’t home, she came in just after me. We had tea listening to each other’s groans.
Then I went and started to have a shower but was interrupted by Julie. She rang to see if I wanted to go to the pictures on Thursday but she couldn’t talk for long so she said she would ring tomorrow.
I had a shower and then I talked to Ruth for a while.
It’s now 8.15 and I’m going to do a bit of washing then watch Number 96, have supper and then retire to my sleeping chambers.
Wednesday 11 July
Sue woke me at 7.00 and we went down to breakfast. Then Sue left at 7.30 as today she starts tech early.
I got dressed and then walked to work in the freezing cold. The morning seemed to drag by until morning tea came and I was just drinking my tea when Noel came and told me there were two police women at the counter to see me. I nearly died.
It was Julie and Sue they had wagged B.College and came and saw me.
It was Cheryl’s birthday today and she showed us the ring that Mike Foster the van driver had given her. I don’t know how she could seriously like that guy.
I didn’t have any lunch today as I was broke. Got back to GFS at 5.15 and went straight to tea. Then I had a shower and washed my hair.
I instructed Sue in some exercises. Then watched Number 96 now at 9.35 I’m off to bed.
Thursday 12 July
I got up at 7.30 and had breakfast. I got dressed and then left for work.
Tina didn’t appear at work today as she has gone into hospital for awhile. Work was pretty quiet and I was glad when I finally received my pay pack.
I got back to GFS at 5.15 and went down to the most revolting tea. So Sue and I decided we would go to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
We caught a bus out there at 6.30. After we had eaten the chicken we walked along the highway, but then some Rockys chased us around the block so we caught a bus back to Perth.
We got off at Fairlanes and had a very short game of pool then we walked into Perth and had coffee and pavlova at the Camelot.
Then these guys tried to pick us up as we were walking back to GFS. Boy what a night we seemed to be running all the time. Well I think I’ll just run to bed.
Friday 13 July
I got up at 7.30 and had breakfast. Then got dressed and left for work. Well it’s Friday the 13th (Black Friday) I just hope nothing bad happens to me today.
I had to clear up the office a bit today so as to make room for the new girl who is coming on Monday. I’ve been pushed right to the end of the desk sure is going to be a tight squeeze.
I got back to GFS and we had tea. Sue got dressed and packed her bag as she is going to Paul’s for the weekend.
I helped Ruth with her bags as she is leaving GFS tonight. Beth and I carried most of her stuff downstairs. Then Kevin came and he helped us to take bags out to his ute. We said goodbye to Ruth though we will be seeing her off at the station on Sunday night.
I watched TV until 12.15 and now I’m off to bed.
Saturday 14 July
I woke up at 9.30 and got up and dressed then I walked into town. I bought a new mug as Sue accidentally dropped my other one. I also bought quite a few things to eat.
I went back to GFS and had lunch then I was just settling down to watch TV when one of the girls told me there was someone at the office for me.
It was Julie and Sue they wanted me to go into town and have lunch with them.
We were looking at The Unicorn as it was shut when Nick, one of the owners came out and asked us in even though it was shut. Nick sat and talked to us until 2.15 then he went off to the gym. Then Peter sat down and talked to us.
He told Sue and I to go and cook him something so we went out the back when we came back Julie and him were pashing on, we couldn’t believe it.
We left at 5.00 they came back to GFS with me.
Watched TV now at 9.30 I’m off to bed.
Sunday 15 July
I got up at 8.30 and went down to my first Sunday breakfast here. Then I came back up to my room and sat in bed reading a Dolly magazine until 10.30.
Then I got up and had a shower and washed my hair.
Sue came home and we had lunch together then we caught a bus up to Kings Park and bought 2 candy bars and six packets of fairy floss. It was really funny.
We ate some at these rocking horses at the children’s playground. Then we went to the restaurant and had coffee and chicken sandwiches.
Then we walked down Jacob’s Ladder and found miles of film. We caught a taxi back to GFS and looked through the film.
We had tea, after tea we went to the train station to see Ruth off as she is going to Albany. When she left Kevin got in a real shit and walked off.
Went and had a game of pool and then went back to GFS.
Greg’s Comments
On the first day of the month Trenna watches two good movies. I’ve gone to the Western Australian Library and found the relevant TV Page from The Sunday Times. The Hayley Mills movie was at 2.45 pm on Channel 2. It was The Truth About Spring. Hayley’s father in the movie is played by her real life dad, John Mills.

I’m less sure of what the evening movie she saw was. It was either Assault on a Queen, staring Frank Sinatra, or it was The Sheepman, a Western starring Glenn Ford, Shirley MacLaine and Leslie Nielson. In later life a heist movie would appeal more to Trenna than a Western, but reading the reviews it must have been The Sheepman that she watched.
Whilst we are looking at the TV guide, two other things. On Channel 7 at 10.15 pm was The Rogues – I remember that as being a very good show. It won a Golden Globe, but got axed after one season.
My final remark about the TV guide is that it shows that by 5 past midnight all three stations had finished transmitting until the morning. The ABC, Channel 2, resumes at 8 am each day and the two commercial stations don’t start transmission until 10am!
It think it is noteworthy that Jeanette, a mainstay of previous entries, doesn’t get a mention in the first half of July.