1970s Marfan Writing

Angsty Teenage Poetry #3

Poems by a Teenage Trenna

This series starts HERE.

He Loved Her to Death (17 November 1972)

He held her hand, Oh so tight
He came to visit her every night
Alone they were, in a world of machines
She was really ill, had something wrong with her genes
When he kissed her, his tears wet her cheek
She was dying, she was terribly weak 
As near he could, he lay close to her
But each movement she made, 
Read the rest ... “Angsty Teenage Poetry #3”
1970s Coping Craig House Kitchen Tapes Snippets and Vignettes Writing

Angsty Teenage Poetry #2

Poems by a Teenage Trenna

The first instalment in this series of angsty teenage poetry is HERE.

Friends (14 August 1972 – Dedicated to A Friend)

Friend, is a word you’ll hear or use nearly every day
But do you really know the actual meaning of the word
Is it to be kind to someone and talk to them?
No, a lot more!
A friend is someone who is comforting in times of sorrow
A person who has always 
Read the rest ... “Angsty Teenage Poetry #2”
1970s Craig House Kitchen Tapes Writing

The Kitchen Tapes No. 17

Recorded 5 June 2018

Some Better Days at Kent Street

GM:  OK, today is the 5th of June, 2018. I’m here with Trenna Mahney with her recollections. 

Tren, last time we were talking about your high school days, after we turned off the recorder you mentioned several particular incidents.  Perhaps you’d like to go to a few of those.

THM:  Well, I think I spoke about the various classes I was in, and I couldn’t remember the names of … Read the rest ... “The Kitchen Tapes No. 17”