1980s Featured Love and Marriage Snippets and Vignettes

A Burger with a Peace Rally, and a Watch on the Side

By Greg

Palm Sunday, 27 March 1988

Here is a special bonus post, because it is Palm Sunday today. Neither Trenna nor I were religious, but there is a story related to this day that Trenna and I always remembered.

Setting The Scene

I got together with Trenna at the very start of 1988, so our relationship was very young. I’m pretty sure by that stage we hadn’t said the word LOVE in a sentence to each other.

The Cold … Read the rest ... “A Burger with a Peace Rally, and a Watch on the Side”

2010s Carer Collected Wisdom Coping Featured iPad Knowledge Love and Marriage Marfan

Living With Your Spouse

The iPad Documents – Collected and Created Knowledge From Trenna

This post is a simple one, but to Trenna and I the following was important.

In May 2017 Trenna wrote the PDF document that appears below. The formatting was as she wrote it on her iPad. The font size she used was large to help her read it.

The distinctive colour was to help her find it on her iPad when the document was minimised.

As far as I can … Read the rest ... “Living With Your Spouse”