1980s Heart and Lung Failure iPad Knowledge Love and Marriage Marfan Snippets and Vignettes


Trenna’s Diary Summaries From Her iPad


In Trenna’s iPad she has written summaries of each year. As you will see from what she has written she has gleaned the information retrospectively from a wide range of sources.

As I reproduce them on this site I’ll take the opportunity to clarify and expand on some of the stories. Trenna wrote these summaries (and there are many of them) to help her and I recall our many experiences. It was probably … Read the rest ... “1988”

1960s Kitchen Tapes

11 – Trenna’s Favourite Number

The Eleventh Kitchen Tape

Recorded 4 May 2018

Greg’s Notes:  During this recording Trenna started to remember more details about her very early life as she cast her mind further and further back.  You can “hear” this is some of the sentences in this transcript. At the end she told me that it had felt like she had been talking for an hour, but in fact it was just 30 minutes (which was our usual target time). 

GM:  Today is … Read the rest ... “11 – Trenna’s Favourite Number”

1960s Kitchen Tapes Mofflyn Homes

The Second Recording

Recording #2 of The Kitchen Tapes 10 April 2018

GM: OK we’re recording.  It’s the 10th of April 2018. 


THM:  Right.  We’re back at Mofflyn Homes, some more things have come to my memory. 

In our cottage the older children looked after the younger children. They had responsibilities. 

Younger children had to be bathed by someone.  I know that we shared bath water, which was a common thing to do in those days, so it’s no big deal. … Read the rest ... “The Second Recording”

1960s Kitchen Tapes Marfan Mofflyn Homes

The First Recording

Recording #1 of The Kitchen Tapes 9 April 2018

[GM: This recording of 9 April 2018 was the very first in a series of 24 recordings]

THM:  The nineteen sixties were a decade of huge change for me and …  for the world. 

“…so my childhood was in some ways idyllic, in some ways terrible.  I didn’t know the difference between the two”  

My family had started to disintegrate.   I began to have my own memories of my … Read the rest ... “The First Recording”