1970s GFS Kitchen Tapes

Kitchen Tape No. 24 – but not the end

Recorded 21 June 2018

GM:  This recording talks a lot about Trenna’s time at Girl’s Friendly Society (GFS), where she moved after Craig House closed down.  The year was 1973, which was the only year in that period of her life that she kept a diary.  Later, in 2018, Trenna with my assistance transcribed that diary and it is worth reading in relation to this recording.  One point Trenna was surprised to find was that she started business college, and Read the rest ... “Kitchen Tape No. 24 – but not the end”

1960s Craig House Grief Kitchen Tapes Mofflyn Homes

The Twelfth Kitchen Tape

Recorded 5 May 2018

Sadness Warning

[GM: I found this perhaps the hardest transcript (as well as the hardest recording), both because of the sad content, and it shows how Trenna blocked out a few years from when her dad died until she went to Craig House. I don’t think when we started the conversation that either I or Trenna had any idea where it would lead.]

GM:  Today is Saturday, 5th of May 2018.  We’re talking with Trenna Mahney.… Read the rest ... “The Twelfth Kitchen Tape”