1990s Grief Writing

Writer’s Block

Why There Haven’t Been Any New Stories Lately

I am very conscious that I haven’t added a post to this website for a couple of weeks.  This is very unusual.  Since I created the website 19 months ago I’ve contributed every week, and on average about two posts per week.

So What’s Happened?

As I have written previously (for example, HERE), the website serves many purposes.  One of those is to help me in the grieving process. 

Grief … Read the rest ... “Writer’s Block”

1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s 2020 Gardening Household Tips Menus Recipes Recipes and Household Tips Snippets and Vignettes

Tales From Trenna’s Kitchen

By Greg

This post has a connection to the Menu Diaries series.  If you aren’t familiar with the series, a good place to start would be HERE.
Some of the items and practices I discuss here are mentioned in the series of posts in which I explain some of the mechanisms Trenna used to cope with her Marfan’s Syndrome. That series starts here.


As I have explained a few times, meals and their preparation were central to Trenna’s … Read the rest ... “Tales From Trenna’s Kitchen”

1960s 1970s 1990s 2000s Craig House Kitchen Tapes Travel

Floor 7 1/2

… and Trenna’s Voice, Recording Kitchen Tape No. 8

By Greg, and then Trenna’s own voice

The popular-culturally literate among you will immediately be thinking “Being John Malkovich“.

What’s this got to do with Trenna?


I have decided that in most cases I’m NOT going to put the original sound recordings on this website – at least for now.

However, I thought I should put up at least one, to provide an idea of what the original … Read the rest ... “Floor 7 1/2”