2010s Health and Medicine Heart and Lung Failure Marfan Medical Medical Records Writing

Medical Records – Cardiology No. 6

The Last Three Cardioversions


The following historical information is for interest only. It should in no way be thought of as medical advice applicable to any other individual. Medical science has moved on, and no two people have the exact same medical circumstances. I hope you find the information interesting, To see the “Introduction” to this series of posts, please click here.

Common abbreviations used by Trenna in this series:
AF – Atrial Fibrillation – (irregular heart beat that Trenna often got, and eventually was in permanently)
CVI – Cardiovascular Institute (where her cardiologist worked)
CVM – Canningvale Medical (where our GP worked)
C-V – Cardioversion (an electric shock treatment to restore regular heart rhythm)
There are numerous others, some are common medical abbreviations you can Google, others are Trennaisms (which is itself a Trennaism). If you get stuck on one either ask in the Comments section or use the Contact Greg form.


Trenna had 14 cardioversions in all, all performed in Hollywood Hospital in Perth’s Western suburbs.

They were performed to “shock” her heart back into rhythm and whilst at first they worked pretty well, and lasted quite a while, by 2016 they were becoming increasingly less effective.

Eventually Trenna and her cardiologist agreed that it was pointless continuing with them, and that Trenna should try just living with atrial fibrillation (AF).

Trenna managed, that is to say she stayed alive another 4 and a half years, but really from this time onwards her decline in physical abilities became quite marked.

As you probably have gathered by now, Trenna kept good records of medical procedures and her three accounts of what happened at these cardioversions appear below.

Other Cardiology and Medical Information

She also wrote reports on all the previous cardioversions and they commence here. She also had other notes on her cardiology appointments and they will appear in a future post.

There are notes too on other appointments and procedures and they too will appear in future posts.

The 12th – 14th Cardioversions

In this report Trenna tells the story of the usual rigmarole, but has a pleasant surprise when she doesn’t get burn marks from the pads. She also asserts herself to get what she wants for lunch.

In the report of the 13th cardioversion Trenna gives brownie points to Nurse Brilla – well done! There seems to be a cast of thousands of nurses involved with this procedure – I think it makes an interesting read. Again, Trenna asserts herself to get food and drink that is tolerable!

Cardioversion No. 14 was the last one. The procedure went fine, but it was only three days before Trenna was once again in AF!!

One reply on “Medical Records – Cardiology No. 6”

It must have been so frustrating for Tren that she went through all the drama in hospital and the results of the cardioversions were failing. Coffee and Vegemite toast 😋 👌

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