
On this page you will find all comments that have been posted to the website.

  • Tony on Two Years of Writing About Life, Love and Loss: “I came across this website via The Guardian article some time ago and was deeply moved by your (and Trenna’s!) story. Having visited Perth by chance not long before seeing the article I felt a particular sense of connection to places visited which I recognised in the photos and memories of Trenna which you shared. Through your care for and dedication to Trenna you seem like a lovely person and an inspiration for others including myself. I hope you’re enjoying those holidays Greg and wish you a life of happy memories both past and future.Dec 9, 17:32
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes: “Hi Lee, thank you so much for reading Trenna’s words and my reflections. It warms my heart. And I particularly appreciate you taking time to make a comment. Thank you. I hope you too have a very wonderful festive season, and a great year ahead. GregDec 3, 08:28
  • Lee Miles on The Kitchen Tapes: “Dear Greg – just wanted to let you know that I am truly touched from reading about Treena and her journey and your partnership. It is so important to share for others, like me, to learn from and reflect on our own journeys and the impact we make on and with others. Wishing you a blessed Christmas and New Year. May it be filled with joy, love and good cheer 🙂Dec 3, 08:17
  • Greg on Carer things that worked for Greg – the good, the bad and the ugly: “Thanks Jock. From what I have read of Neroli and her story I can well imagine (or perhaps I can’t) how difficult a time that last 18 months must have been for all concerned. The Guardian story you refer to about me and Trenna, did draw lots of eyes to my website. Once you contacted me I Googled Neroli and found your excellent story published in The Guardian. I could relate a lot to it – thanks. I hope you will dip in and out of more of Trenna’s stories in the future. Thanks for commenting. GregMar 21, 14:28
  • Greg on Six Months of “Hi Jock, thanks for commenting and for reading some of Trenna’s story. I’ve had a look at your website Congratulations on it. Storytelling is such an important part of the Trenna website to. I also read Neroli’s obituary. She really was a remarkable woman. Thank you for alerting me to her story. Along with the love of politics and the loathing of John Howard there were quite a lot of other similarities with our wives. A life-long disease that deeply effected their childhood and later life, distress at losing their sense of taste and smell, and increasing blindness. Also an interest in the piano (although Trenna regretted not continuing with it) and a love of writing. But it seems they both made the best of their situation. I would recommend anyone reading this to have a look at Jock’s website and to read the compelling obituary in the Sydney Morning Herald. Jock, you don’t seem to need much impetus from me, but I would urge you to tell more of Neroli’s stories on your website, and if you wish, elsewhere. Keep up your excellent work – people appreciate it. GregMar 21, 14:21
  • John Norman Cheetham on Carer things that worked for Greg – the good, the bad and the ugly: “Thanks for the post, Greg, I, too, was a carer. In my case, Neroli needed my care mostly for her last 18 months, when she was ill due to osteopetrosis. That was a full-on time. I think I must have got on to your website via the Guardian article last year, posted in here. Maybe it was the fact that Neroli and I discussed the gravity and seriousness of her condition at the very start of our relationship that rang a bell with me. Similar but again different to what you two experienced. Cheers, JockMar 20, 08:22
  • Jock Cheetham on Six Months of “Thanks for doing this work, a labour of love. 🙂 I’m involved on a somewhat similar endeavour for my late partner, Neroli Colvin. Neroli passed away a bit over five years ago. As it happens, her posthumously published book based on her PhD is being launched this weekend at Gleebook’s and we are also holding a celebration of her life. Part of my work, at this stage through a documentary, involves telling Neroli’s story. And part of that is about her work (*see book, etc). Another part is advocating for rare diseases, as Neroli had a condition called osteopetrosis. This might be one reason I originally bookmarked your site about Trenna. I might even start a website about Neroli’s life and my storytelling process, a bit like yours (but different). I already have … I think I will add some pages to here, since I’m already managing this site, and it relates to Neroli’s legacy. Anyhow, good on you for what you’re doing and I will read/view some more ongoingly. By the way, like Trenna, Neroli loved politics (former journo) and loathed John Howard. Cheers, Jock Cheetham Bathurst and Sydney, NSWMar 20, 08:09
  • Greg on Angsty Teenage Poetry #2: “That is a pity Julie. I know you were close. I think she was looking for a private outlet for emotions that must have at times been overwhelming. Love, GregFeb 17, 22:10
  • Julie Ann Martin ( Hampton) on Angsty Teenage Poetry #2: “Amazing poems by Tren ⭐️ but I can’t help feel sad Tren didn’t share these with me all those years ago – we were close friends during those years at Kent St snr high – loved her then & always will 💕Feb 17, 22:07
  • Greg on An “OWED”: “Hi Geneva, Thanks for commenting. I think your advice is very sound. This morning in my IN box was the latest newsletter from cartoonist Dan Piraro. In it he talks about the last year and the things he got up to. Then he says “The way you spend your day is the way you spend your life”. A pretty good point. All the very best GregJan 1, 14:09
  • Geneva Milligan on An “OWED”: “Enjoyed the poem. I am a poet and understand how all that works, poetry always has hidden meaning. Also, age 66 is a long way from 41/42, and it all changes big time after the 70 point, I know this because I am 77. So, get your living done like there is no tomorrow! Just saying!Jan 1, 05:25
  • Helen Rice on An “OWED”: “Lovely poem to you Greg from your dear Tren….it made me smile 😃Dec 30, 21:50
  • Greg on 24 Years Ago in our Garden: “Hi Linda. Both grow well in a pot. I’ve got a Bougainvillea in a pot right now, though we got rid of the Plumbago at some point. Dec 23, 19:04
  • Linda on 24 Years Ago in our Garden: “I didn’t know you could pot Plumbago & Bougainvillia!Dec 23, 13:15
  • Linda on How to Stage a Trenna Lunch – with recipes: “I sorely miss those lunches 😢Dec 23, 13:13
  • Greg on 1991: “Hi Gen, I can’t believe I didn’t reply to your comment because I clearly remember reading it. In fact, your comment is the reason I created a new page on the website called “Comments” – to make sure comments are seen by a larger group of people. My heart goes out to you and I hope you get to graduate and do lots of things beyond that. Trenna started University several times, and did well, but her disabilities (including eventually being legally blind) and her aversion to authority both meant she never finished a degree. If she had been permitted to finish school and proceed straight to uni her life would have been quite different. I am (slowly) working on a Post about being a carer. In it, amongst lots of other experiences, I will be saying that my perspective in Trenna’s last few years changed dramatically for the better when I started telling myself that we would have at least another 10 years together – despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. It really helped me to get things done, and we were both happier as a result. Please read more of the site, and of course comment or send messages to me via the “Contact me” link at the bottom of each page. GregDec 17, 11:50
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hi Rachel, Thank you very much for your comment, I am sorry it took me so long to respond. If I can be a “great comfort” for even a few people I will be very pleased. Please keep reading. All the best. GregDec 17, 11:30
  • Greg on Eric Bogle and Slim Dusty – Two Concerts We Remembered: “Thanks for commenting Steve, and for confirming that my recollection is probably pretty close to being correct. The boomerangs now does ring a vague bell but I hadn’t thought of that since that night. You are right too that Anne was the musical highlight of the evening. I have heard interviews with Slim and there is absolutely no doubt he did a huge service to those tiny communities around Australia. I do remember you being on that FM Station and I appreciate the extra insights your comment has given. I hope you’ll also enjoy some of the other posts from the “MUSIC” menu. I am fond of Trenna’s description of the (much more recent) Black Sabbath concert we went to – am I the only one thinking that Ozzie and Slim have “co-legend” status? Oh! And the story of my one night as an AM DJ! 😃 Thanks for reading. GregDec 3, 21:13
  • Steve Gordon on Eric Bogle and Slim Dusty – Two Concerts We Remembered: “At that time (1988 – it was his “bicentennial” tour) I was a DJ at Perth’s top rock FM station. I asked my boss if I could take the night off to see Slim. He thought I was joking. But I explained that Slim was a regular visitor to the Victorian country town I’d lived in during my childhood/youth – and it was generally the biggest event of the year – apart from the Annual Show – when his tour came to town. He also had a place on the Lakes, 50 miles away, where he fished and relaxed for the 6 weeks he had off every summer. I wanted to see him “for old times sake”. My boss still thought I was having him on, but agreed, figuring he’d have a “can you believe this?” story to tell for a year or two. I am a country fan, so probably enjoyed it more than you, but I certainly get your drift. My impressions were that the show was virtually unchanged from those I saw in the late 1950s, the structure, the whip cracking, the boomerang throwing out over the audience’s heads – even the jokes sounded familiar. As usual, his musicians were very good, but Slim wasn’t at the top of his game – and he struggled to sing in tune at the best of times. My “status” did allow me a brief visit to chat with Slim and Joy in their dressing room after the show – I was the only one to do so as Slim was “pretty crook”. I also had a brief chat to Anne at the merch desk on the way out – I’d interviewed her (by phone) a couple of times so thought I’d take the opportunity to meet her in person. She’s a lovely person – and a damn fine country singer. Her set was probably the highlight of the night for me. Some years later, I did get to interview Slim (by phone, too) – on another station – and he was great to talk too, with many colourful tales to tell, especially around his touring in the outback. He’s very much loved by the Aboriginal people up North, as he was the only travelling entertainer who bothered to go to their far flung communities back in his touring days. Roadhouses up in the NT, Kimberley and Pilbara sold 10 times as many cassettes as everyone else put together.Nov 21, 13:03
  • Greg on Writer’s Block: “Thank you Jill. That’s nice. Nov 18, 04:05
  • Jill on Writer’s Block: “Take the time you need! I hope you continue not to feel guilty, thank you for sharing all these wonderful stories!Nov 18, 04:03
  • Greg on Six Months of “Thank you Jennifer for those thoughts and for taking the time to convey them to me. I’m sorry to hear of your own sadness and grief. If Trenna and I can do anything to ease your situation that is wonderful. As we both know, life is FULL of ups and downs, many of which we have no control over. I hope things look up for you soon. GregNov 7, 20:59
  • Jennifer Lau on Six Months of “Beautiful. Just Beautiful. We all dream of being loved by someone to the degree that you loved Trenna. Your 30 years of love, devotion and adventure come through in your posts clearly and help me escape my own sadness and grief if even for just a short while. Thank You. To you and Trenna both.Nov 6, 11:43
  • Greg on Writer’s Block: “Thank you Kay. They are comforting thoughts. GregOct 28, 14:43
  • Kay Bowling on Writer’s Block: “Thank you for the stories and thoughts. I am so happy she had a good long life with you. She is watching over you now and waiting until you meet up in heaven. God bless you for sharingOct 28, 11:43
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “Hi Lisa, random comments are welcome! Very entrepreneurial of you starting the AC Club. Well done! Interesting you were using the cards in the 1980s. Trenna and I were both using them (though in different schools) in the 1960s. Please keep reading the site, and coming back for more. I generally add at least one story a week, but have fallen behind a bit because I’ve been reacting to the great response to the Guardian article, and also some planning I’m doing for an overseas trip. But, I’ll get back onto it. Thanks GregOct 14, 13:13
  • Lisa H on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “This is a bit of a random comment from the other side of the country, but I came across this site after reading the recent Guardian article. Trivial things stick in your memory sometimes, and I just had to say I remember those SRA reading cards from Year 2 in Sydney in the mid 80s. What a flashback. I’ve found reading Trenna’s story fascinating. I also appreciate the Agatha Christie fandom – I read many of her books as a kid and even started an Agatha Christie club at my school library… super uncool, but my way of pressuring them to get more of her books in for me to read!Oct 14, 12:33
  • Rachel Dixon on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Greg, I applaud you for the way you are publishing the beautiful memories you and your wife shared. It really is a message of resilience and hope and is a great comfort for many people. I wish you the best and I am thoroughly enjoying reading your reflections. Kind regards, Rachel (Grimsby, NE Lincolnshire, UK)Oct 9, 16:04
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Thank you Margaret. I appreciate you letting me know. All the best GregOct 9, 08:57
  • Margaret Lamerton on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hi Greg, I read your and Trenna’s story on the Guardian website this morning and just had to come and read more. What a beautiful story and so glad you had the years together that you did. All the best for the future. Margaret from Orange, NSW.Oct 9, 08:56
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Thank you. That is a wonderful thing to say. I appreciate it. GregOct 8, 22:06
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Thank you Christine for a lovely, positive message. You are right, I have lots of wonderful memories, and I do look forward to the future. Thanks for reading.Oct 8, 22:05
  • Christine Russell on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “I was really touched to read your combined story and why you both got married so soon after getting together. At least you ended up with 30 years together and it looked like you made the most of that time. We are all fated to go one day but not with a timer practially sitting on shoulder with the expectation it could call the grim reaper at any time. No doubt you will have many happy memories to fall back on and lots to look forward too in the future.Oct 8, 22:01
  • Lindita Krasniqi on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Greetings from Scotland Glasgow. Remarkable love story of life and friendship. Trenna will be proud of you! Lovely sharing your memories with us!Oct 8, 18:42
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hi Sarah, I’m delighted you liked the stories. Thanks for taking the time to read them. I’m still adding to it so come back often. I have no doubt that it must seem (and at times actually be) hard finding a partner when you have chronic health issues. I do however known that there are lots of people who are more interested in the inner you, and the person you are. I am absolutely convinced that my life is immeasurably better because Trenna and I shared the less good with the happy times. I don’t know what your particular issues are, but I would urge you to try to make the most of what you can do. Thanks again for reading. All the very best. GregOct 8, 15:36
  • Sarah on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Really lovely to read your stories. As someone with chronic illness your stories are inspiring to me, especially in terms of meeting a partner. Best wishes from Manchester UKOct 8, 15:01
  • Greg on Eulogy: “Ivan, thank you for your heartfelt words. I understand what you are saying. Please read more of the site if you feel up to it. GregOct 8, 13:31
  • Ivan Fernandez on Eulogy: “I dont know you or Trenna and I have not even read much of your blog, I am just a married man who loves his wife and fears the day I will not be with her, the day my special woman will disapear and the world will not come down to its knees, write her story in its rocks, in its water and in the air and then stop spinning because it will not make sense anymore . Anyway, I really hope you are digesting that better than I do, because the love that pours from what are you doing feels inmense. I have tears rolling down my cheecks while I lay down in bed, my heart squeezed in my chest. I hope you are religious and I wish you the best.Oct 8, 13:13
  • Geneva on 1991: “I am 76 years old. I have been told I have about six years to live, which changes my perspective on everything. I am eight classes away from completing a Master in Fine Arts degree (MFA). I’m proud of my 4.0 across-the-board GPA. I think I’m doing something despite health-related problems. Studying is a bit difficult, although I’m attending an online college. I have studied writing since 2018 because it’s something I can do and because graduation is on my bucket list. I plan to write as much as possible for as long as possible. I will revisit your story and read it carefully because It is inspiring. Learning how to die is one thing, but grieving for those I leave behind is another; it is sad. Any suggestions on how to deal with all aspects of this journey is much appreciated. Learning how to enjoy life despite limited time is a mind-bending trick. It would be nice to communicate with people who know how to live life to the fullest despite it all. Maybe through posts here, I can find a better and happier path. Geneva (Gen)Oct 8, 13:07
  • Greg on Chronic Illness – The Straws Accumulate: “Thank you for contacting me and letting me know your thoughts. It can be very tough and I wish you and your daughter all the very best. One ( of many) reason I started the website was to show people that even with a lot of things going wrong you can still live a very full and meaningful life. I hope you get something from looking through the site, and please feel free to share it with others. All the best. Oct 8, 12:26
  • Carlton on Chronic Illness – The Straws Accumulate: “Thank you for posting these incredibly real and touching glimpses into Trenna’s life. I’ve got a 12 year old daughter with Marfans and the realities of the syndrome can be overwhelming. But, it’s nice to see that love and happiness can be had amongst the pain…Oct 8, 12:19
  • Greg on To Feel Able: “I think I’ve solved the mystery! Terry, our neighbour and friend passed away in 2007. I think that may be what’s causing the confusion.Oct 8, 11:51
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thank you. It is lovely of you to say that Charlotte. GOct 8, 11:26
  • Charlotte on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Yes, … definitely! Two especially intertwined individuals…God sent to Earth, not only to comfort each other through an inherent ability to communicate on all levels with each other but, through Trenna’s journals, and Greg’s desire to show his undying love for her by laying out their experiences…and educating those of us who have the desire to grow further than we are at the moment. God Bless you Greg on your future! Charlotte Lesch, retired RN Santa Rosa, CalifOct 8, 11:20
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Thank you. That’s very nice of you. There are quite a few stories, including a 4-part series of our earliest days, which talks more about how we got together. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed presenting them. I’m still adding to it so come back often and if you want, share the site with friends. Thanks again. GregOct 8, 10:12
  • Yolande on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hi Greg, I about you and Trenna and your first date in an online newspaper and I came here because your story is so beautiful. I’ll continue to read the rest of your stories. 🤗Oct 8, 10:06
  • Greg on To Feel Able: “Hi Barbara, I’m loving that you are reading everything. Thank you! Trenna passed away peacefully in hospital on 23 December 2000 – not quite 3 years ago. If I’ve said 2007 somewhere please let me know and I’ll fix it up. I’m still adding to the site so please return often. Reagrds GregOct 8, 10:01
  • Barbara Valliere on To Feel Able: “I’m actually very confused… it said 2007 she passed away? But these are from 2016? I’m so sorry either way I’m just very confused as I was reading everything.Oct 8, 09:51
  • Greg on Marfan Weight Gain: “Hi Susan, I feel for you, and for your son. That is a lot to be putting up with. Thank you for visiting the site. One of my many motivations for doing the site was to let people with Marfan’s appreciate that they can have very full lives. Your son has a couple of kids so it seems he already knows that. Trenna had chronic pain and medications never fully compensated. I and/or Trenna, have written about it a few times on this site. You might want to check out the 4 “what worked for Trenna” posts, and another about her scoliosis, but that is probably more just for interest. The Medicinal Cannabis post was really about pain too. I’ll keep talking about Marfan Syndrome. Trenna also thought that was important, especially seeing a need for health professionals of all sorts to have some understanding of it. All the best to you and your family, and please share the site with them and others. GregOct 8, 09:13
  • Susan Johnston on Marfan Weight Gain: “I am a mom of a Marfan son and his two children also have been tested and have it. I am so glad more people are talking about it. My son went to the pain management doctor because he has rotoscoliosis, and has almost a full spinal fusion. They refused to help him. And questioned if he was sure he has it. And wouldn’t give him anything for pain. The assumption that he was an addict. He’s got to see a cardiologist this month due to his carotid is flat from the screws in his back and his aortic valve is reaching the danger zone. He is 32. It’s going to be his first heart surgeryOct 8, 08:53
  • Greg on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hi Angie I’m glad you found the site, and I hope you enjoy finding out about Trenna’s many different experiences. There is also a four-part story of how we got together, going into a lot more detail of those first couple of months. Thanks for stopping by. I’m still adding to the site so have a look often. Warm regards GregOct 8, 08:41
  • Angie on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “Hello greetings from England! I read your love story on the which led me to your beautiful website ❤️ look forward to reading about Trenna’s life and everyone she touched 🙂 Kind regards AngieOct 8, 07:50
  • Greg on 1991: “Thank you. You’re right, it still hurts, but I also get a lot of joy just thinking of those years. I appreciate you commenting. All the best GregOct 8, 06:10
  • Samuel Murray on 1991: “I’m glad you had time with your wife. It doesn’t make the hurt any easier. Hope you’re doing as best as can be expected.Oct 8, 06:00
  • Helen Rice on The Craft Group and Caring for Terry: “When I told Tren I had joined a craft group in Boyup Brook, Tren said ah a Stitch and Bitch group which made me laugh lots because that’s what it was 😆 I’m also glad Tren got to experience friendship with Terry and the group of women in her neighbourhood, it’s so important to be part of a community and Tren was very talented, she produced knitted/crocheted work of such a high standard 👏 🩵Oct 5, 16:14
  • Greg on Thank You & Au Revoir Nick: “Just an update. After I published this post I was able to locate Nick’s son and he was very helpful. He said he would pass on the website details to his Dad. I was glad and appreciative.Sep 8, 11:06
  • Greg on 1991: “Thanks Helen for fact checking me! Sorry I didn’t realise it was your wedding – I do remember it a bit, but…. That is obviously why she didn’t write on the iPad whose it was, your wedding anniversary would be one of the hundreds of dates she flawlessly carried around in her head. Greg XSep 8, 11:01
  • Helen Rice on 1991: “It’s amazing what you and Tren packed into a year. Renos, study, travel, celebrations Dear Prickles was born 1975 mine and Tren’s year in south Perth her mother Zabby was a very fertile bitch… The wedding on 17th November 1991 was held at Miss Mauds Carillon Arcade it was mine and David’s and I do remember Tren saying you were a little tipsy…. 😄Sep 8, 10:46
  • Greg on Angsty Teenage Poetry #1: “Yes. I wish I had read them and discussed them with Tren. She wrote them around the time you were seeing her a lot. I’m glad you have read them. GregAug 17, 17:45
  • Greg on Chronic Illness – The Straws Accumulate: “Thanks for commenting Julie. She was pretty special.Aug 17, 17:41
  • Julie Ann Martin on Angsty Teenage Poetry #1: “Remarkable reading – just the way she was & always will be – so vibrant 💝Aug 15, 02:59
  • Julie Ann Martin on Chronic Illness – The Straws Accumulate: “Poor darling Tren 😢 life was so cruel & yet you laughed & made others laugh with you – miss you so very much 🙏♥️⭐️Aug 15, 01:25
  • Helen Rice on Engagement and Wedding: “Your wedding plans prove you don’t need a lot of hoo haa to have a great celebration and what a bonus to get the Parmelia Suite ❤️Jul 23, 21:34
  • Greg on Eric Bogle and Slim Dusty – Two Concerts We Remembered: “Thanks for commenting Helen. I’ll be telling a bit more about Prickles in a post in the near future. Yeee-ha! GregJul 14, 11:25
  • Helen Rice on Eric Bogle and Slim Dusty – Two Concerts We Remembered: “Ahh country music 🎶 yes we live in Boyup Brook the WA capital of country music and we’ve attended 2 concerts here with big names but still admit it’s not something I’d go to every year… Dear Prickles a dog I knew from a pup – her mother Zabby was a bit of a tart…. So happy Prickles got to live out her life in your backyard paradise 😍Jul 14, 11:16
  • Helen Rice on The Mill Point Road Song Lyrics: “My memory fails me regarding Tren’s poetry and we were living in South Perth when she wrote these last poems. We weren’t taking drugs or even drinking much mainly because we couldn’t afford it and yet her poetry comes from a brain that wasn’t the average. It’s a shame Tren didn’t pursue it but isn’t it wonderful that we have the bits we have.Jun 21, 13:52
  • Greg on The Mill Point Road Song Lyrics: “Hi Helen, thanks for reading the lyrics. When I first read them I wasn’t all that impressed but as I transcribed them I started thinking quite a lot deeper about them, and was admiring of them. They’re quite psychedelic (especially “Kill the Common”) which isn’t surprising for 1975. My favourite was the one about the Old Mill, very close to where the two of you lived. I went and had a look at the Old Mill yesterday, and they have removed the lights that used to be on the sails, and which Trenna refers to in the first line of that song. More authentic, I guess, but less romantic!Jun 20, 14:27
  • Helen Rice on The Mill Point Road Song Lyrics: “Love the lyrics Kill The Common… what a twist at the end…talk about nightmares.Jun 20, 09:35
  • Linda on Trenna’s iPad: “Well doneJun 9, 14:31
  • Colin Seckington on Trenna’s iPad: “I’ve just listened to it.and found it absolutely brilliant. I will be sending it to all my friends around the world together with the link to with the catch-phrase “she’s my little sister”. Tren wanted her story told. Enjoy Japan.Jun 2, 20:15
  • Helen Rice on Trenna’s iPad: “Great recording Greg 👏Jun 1, 14:12
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 9: “Thanks Greg for sharing these trip notes. That was 6 months of one hell of an adventure. Glad you both travelled together to the US in later years.Apr 29, 21:09
  • Helen Rice on Trenna’s Rough Notes on the 1980s Before Greg: “Tren had the joy for living from way back. I loved reading about her travels and she always looked so glamorous. Tren could have been a great teacher!Apr 20, 09:10
  • Greg on The USA Trip Diary – Part 5: “Yes. And she seems to have got over that drop kick, Doug (from Part 3).Apr 1, 20:24
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 5: “Such a great adventure and Whinnie the Pooh bear was gifted to me for Rebekah ❤️Apr 1, 18:07
  • Colin Seckington on The USA Trip Diary – Part 5: “What a delightful read. Tren had a ball in New York in 1981/1982. Her New Year’s eve …….Whoa!! Notwithstanding of course “ding” meals. I haven’t heard that word for over 50 years and it automatically brought back pangs of nostalgia. My best mates growing up in Perth in the 60’s & 70’s were from Italian descent. Tren wanted her story told and that is exactly what your blog is doing Greg, much to the joy of course to her “estranged” brother. Many thanks.Mar 31, 06:41
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 4: “Let’s hope Colin can shed more light on this query 😊Mar 26, 14:59
  • Greg on The USA Trip Diary – Part 4: “Or, was he both? Perhaps Colin, who seems to read every post can clarify that. I had forgotten Trenna told me about the kibbutz connection. I have some recollection that when Trenna’s brother was in a kibbutz, someone, presumably Mark, had asked for contact details of someone to be a pen pal. Colin gave him Tren’s details. The caption “Mark pen pal Sarnia, Ontario” is Trenna’s words.Mar 26, 09:35
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 4: “Was Mark a penpal of Tren’s or was he a friend of Colin’s whom he’d met on a kibbutz?? Lovely to read about Tren’s excitement as she experienced new sights 😻Mar 26, 09:25
  • Greg on The USA Trip Diary – Part 3: “Strangely, that had never occurred to me, but seems quite possible. I think she got over it pretty quickly and as you will see, it wasn’t her only liaison with a man during that trip. Yes, I gather NYC in 1981 was quite wild. Trenna told me that the day before they arrived at Toni’s relative’s place there had been a drive by shooting at the intersection just up the road. Quite different to sleepy old Perth in 1981.Mar 24, 11:12
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 3: “I wonder if Doug was married…. bit of a cad but Tren dusted herself off and moved on. New York in the early 80s sounded like a manic city, what an adventure 👌Mar 18, 08:09
  • Greg on The USA Trip Diary – Part 2: “Your right Hel, on all points. That would have been a shocker of a flight – leaving at midnight after several hours delay, missed connections, lost baggage – the works. I’m pretty sure it was Trenna’s first ever flight so it is amazing that she retained a strong desire to travel. And Yes, you and I both know how anti-racist Trenna was.Mar 16, 11:12
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 2: “Boy that flight outbound was a real milk run. We know from history that Tren wasn’t racist and she had friends from diverse backgrounds so I can only imagine her response to the Air India flights was due to utter frustration. NB Air India have had a reputation over the years of not being up to the standard in safety etc, their current rating is 5/7, Qantas, Singapore airlines, Sri Lankan airlines are 7/7. I’m glad their trip home went somewhat smoothly.Mar 16, 08:27
  • Helen Rice on One Year of “Greg it’s only natural that your time is slowly being spent in other pursuits it’s wonderful to hear that you have travel plans ahead Thank you for the fantastic job in creating the TM website which keeps Tren alive in our minds and hearts 💕Mar 9, 11:42
  • Greg on The USA Trip Diary – Part 1: “I also thought Trenna looked like Judy Garland. I mentioned it to her once, before she told me others had said that.Mar 4, 18:39
  • Helen Rice on The USA Trip Diary – Part 1: “The correspondence between Colin and Tren showed a close brother sister relationship. I imagine that amount of money was quite a high value in 1981. Such a huge adventure for Tren. I remember she told me someone in the States said she looked like a young Judy Garland and from the photos can see why. 😍Mar 4, 17:43
  • Helen Rice on The Japan Travel Diary – Part 5 – Seven Haiku: “Learnt something about Haiku poems ☺️ What a lovely idea for wedding presents and celebrating from afar ❤Feb 25, 07:17
  • Greg on About: “Lovely to hear from you Ruth (who was Trenna’s OT). Being able to continue to hear Trenna is certainly one of the reasons I built, and continue to add to, the site. GregFeb 18, 10:23
  • Ruth on About: “Thanks for creating and sharing this Greg. I have always loved listening to Trenna share her stories with me. And now I can continue to do so 🙂Feb 18, 10:19
  • Greg on The Japan Travel Diary – Part 3: “Yes, she had amazing tenacity. And I am glad you liked hearing her voice – it is so nice to have a few pieces like that.Feb 14, 09:57
  • Helen Rice on The Japan Travel Diary – Part 3: “I felt tired just reading this trip but Tren soldiered on Great to hear her voice on the video 😊Feb 14, 09:50
  • Greg on Angsty Teenage Poetry #3: “A couple of times after reading Tren’s poems, I just spontaneously went “Wow!”Feb 9, 22:13
  • Greg on The Japan Travel Diary – Part 2: “Hi Helen, Japan is a cool place and I’m quite excited to be going there again later this year. There are vending machines everywhere and they have an amazing array of items on offer – an amazing range. However, with the ticket machines at noodle shops, you go to the machine and pick the meal you want, and pay for it – sometimes there are pictures – often just Japanese writing – get the ticket, take it to the counter and they make the meal up specifically for you on the spot. Yes, I think she bought 4 scarves in Kyoto and throughout this series you will see her wearing them. One of them features a skull and cross bones pattern, and I’ve decided I’m going to start wearing that one and travel to Japan with it.Feb 9, 22:10
  • Helen Rice on Angsty Teenage Poetry #3: “Amazing 👏Feb 9, 22:05
  • Helen Rice on The Japan Travel Diary – Part 2: “Japan sounds like a cool place to visit. I’m confused about the noodle machine 😕 do the noodles come out of the machine or do you just order through the machine? Tren bought me a favourite scarf in Japan and now I’ve inherited the one she bought for herself and also the pink scarf she is wearing in one of the pics, this one she made. 🥰Feb 9, 22:01
  • Colin Seckington on Angsty Teenage Poetry #2: “DEDICATED AMOROUS EQUATION TO FREDERICK. What an absolutely delightful poem written by my little sister Tren on 27th July 1972. She was 47 days short of turning 15. I’ve got to ask the obvious who the fx!@ is Frederick? I absolutely love the whole poem. “Our offspring will have your face and my brains and together we’ll shower in monsoon rains.”Jan 26, 08:49
  • Greg on The Green Salad Sandwich Maker, and Other Darwin Stories: “As I say. Absolutely worth a VISIT!Jan 21, 22:19
  • Helen Rice on The Green Salad Sandwich Maker, and Other Darwin Stories: “No wonder they use the phrase ‘gone troppo’- sounds like another planet 🙄Jan 21, 22:16
  • Greg on The Green Salad Sandwich Maker, and Other Darwin Stories: “Thanks Colin Jan 21, 20:56
  • Colin Seckington on The Green Salad Sandwich Maker, and Other Darwin Stories: “Fascinating and really enjoyed reading your extra bits of your 2 years 2 months and 2 days of your and Tren’s stay in Darwin.Jan 21, 20:55
  • Greg on Angsty Teenage Poetry #1: “I agree. Especially as she was only 15 when writing these poems. I think Trenna would have loved to have spent more time writing. It was one of those things where life gets in the way. Thanks for reading them Hel. I wondered whether to publish them, as they are clearly very personal, but I think they do add quite an extra dimension to what it was like growing up in her situation.Jan 18, 16:08
  • Helen Rice on Angsty Teenage Poetry #1: “Teenage angst captured so well by Tren. I wish she had pursued writing further as she certainly was talented!Jan 18, 15:59
  • Greg on The Darwin Letters – The Final Letter, No. 14: “What Trenna doesn’t mention in the letter (because my parents already knew) was that the lift for the apartment building was OUTSIDE! ie in the tropical Darwin weather. Lots of apartments have an air conditioned foyer that contains the lift. Not our apartment block, AND the “car” was made of glass!Jan 13, 11:16
  • Helen Rice on The Darwin Letters – The Final Letter, No. 14: “I imagine you were so happy to return to Perth. Tren and I were trapped in a lift between floors in The Bond Corp building back in 1975 trying to pay our rent. I can empathise totally. At least the weather was normal …Jan 13, 09:41
  • Greg on The Keaver Stich-Up – a Kitchen Tapes Extra: “Trenna had really mixed feelings about Matron. I know she would agree with you that Matron was totally unsuitable for that role. On the other hand she was the main “Mother” figure in her life – if you can have a mother figure who shows no love?? It is worth mentioning that Trenna recognised, particularly in later life, the important role Mrs Anderson played in providing motherly type support. Over the more than 30 years I knew Trenna she mentioned the “Keaver incident” several times – it definitely stayed with her her whole life.Jan 2, 10:44
  • Greg on Trenna’s Rough Notes on Craig House: “Thanks for looking at the site and commenting Richard. I think I recall Trenna mentioning you. I certainly know she spoke of Peta a number of times. As you have probably discovered, if you click on either the “Craig House” or “The Kitchen Tapes” in the “Catergories” menu at the top of the page you will find more of Trenna’s reminiscences about Craig House, both good and bad. From memory, in one of the “1973 Diary” entries Trenna talks of visiting Peta, Sue and Matron.Jan 2, 10:33
  • Richard Baynes on Trenna’s Rough Notes on Craig House: “I was also at Craig House Richard Baynes and my sister Peta like Trenna sent to Swanleigh at 13 and working at 15 on construction sites around Perth left to fend for my self my sister and Sue Crossing stayed withMmatron to finish high school.Jan 2, 10:13
  • Helen Rice on The Keaver Stich-Up – a Kitchen Tapes Extra: “This event was before I went to Craig House but another example of a woman totally unsuitable for the role of Matron. This example wasn’t an isolated one, more unpredicted outbursts were to follow.. imagine an 8 year old dealing with that behaviour. Totally unacceptable 😑Jan 2, 07:09
  • Greg on Eulogy – The Movie: “Yes! I was very pleased with how that turned out. Dec 29, 09:07
  • Helen Rice on Eulogy – The Movie: “Love the video compilation with music 🎶Dec 29, 08:59
  • Helen Rice on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 4: “It doesn’t surprise me to read about Tren’s ability to climb that tree. I remember at Legacy Gym club Tren had no fear of jumping over the vault and springing high in the air above the trampoline, she possessed natural ability athletically. Your trip to Northcliffe brought back memories of that tv show A League of Gentlemen haha. Very romantic trip 😍Dec 28, 11:57
  • Colin Seckington on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 3: “What a delightful story. He fed me dog food! But it was a nice night – this being backed up by a beautiful photo of Tren in bed munching on toast. The look on her face says it all.Dec 21, 08:04
  • Greg on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 3: “Yes, I agree. What a babe? I think it is a remarkable photo, and it is DEFINITELY from that morning. I think I was doing a lot of photography in that era, and, with Trenna’s permission just picked up my camera and shot a couple of photos on colour film. I so glad I did.Dec 20, 22:14
  • Greg on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 3: “😀Dec 20, 21:59
  • Helen Rice on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 3: “What a doll. Sexy Tren looking very glam 😍 Glad you succeeded eventually Greg 😉Dec 20, 21:46
  • Helen Rice on Crowded House – Happy and Relaxed: “Great band, great night and wonderful experience for you both 😍Dec 18, 12:32
  • Helen Rice on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 2: “Greg I’m sure that Julie and I wait with bated breath for the next article 👍😍😊Dec 14, 08:49
  • Greg on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 2: “It is interesting that, judging by the comments, Trenna’s two “oldest” friends have read the same story within minutes of each other. Thanks Julie and Helen.Dec 13, 21:55
  • Helen Rice on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 2: “Ah the old days of restricted Sunday Session hours. Lovely hotel The Cott, we enjoyed a wedding lunch with our kids in 2011, it poured with rain but still enjoyable 😍 Go DJ Greg 👍Dec 13, 21:51
  • Julie Ann Martin on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 2: “Thoroughly enjoyed reading the Darwin letters – can feel Tren’s warmth through the pages – Thankyou for sharing with us all Greg ♥️Dec 13, 21:43
  • Greg on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 1: “It was a real pleasure to write it Julie, made even more special for me knowing you and others have enjoyed it. There are 2 more parts to come (4 in all). Greg XDec 13, 21:36
  • Julie Ann Martin on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 1: “Awe Greg that is wonderful reading – hung on every word – loved curtin radio – love the baby let me bang your box – love your music choices – my fave 60 & 70’s 🥳♥️ Thankyou GregDec 13, 21:33
  • Greg on The Darwin Letters No. 9: “My parents loved getting the letters. We would ring them every week (I think) and when there hadn’t been a letter for a while they would be asking for it! Katherine? Dunno!Dec 11, 21:27
  • Helen Rice on The Darwin Letters No. 9: “Greg your parents must have been thrilled to receive Tren’s letters. I’m enjoying them immensely. I wonder if Katherine has improved 🤔Dec 9, 13:14
  • Greg on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 1: “Thanks for reading and commenting Helen. I enjoyed writing this 4 part series. XDec 3, 22:27
  • Helen Rice on The Earliest Days of Trenna AND Greg – Part 1: “Lovely recollection of how you and Tren got together ❤️ look forward to part 2 Nothing like a keg at a party 🥳Dec 3, 22:25
  • Helen Rice on Meals at Craig House: “This account brought back memories some good and funny, some not so good. I shared Tren’s love of the offal delicacies except the sheep’s heart cooked and served whole. Matrons fist banging on the table was very frightening especially for those who experienced it for the first time… a very complex woman was matron… Tren certainly had a talent for writing, she made the past accounts seem like they happened recently.Nov 30, 22:51
  • Helen Rice on The Darwin Letters No. 4: “I remember receiving Tren’s letters from Darwin in the 90s, she made me feel I was there experiencing it all. I looked forward to the next instalment.Nov 9, 21:46
  • Greg on The Darwin Letters No. 4: “I’m glad you enjoyed it Colin. There are about a dozen letters in the series, plus a few extra bits.Nov 4, 22:04
  • Colin Seckington on The Darwin Letters No. 4: “What an enjoyable read – Christmas 1994 in Darwin. Eagerly more!Nov 4, 21:58
  • Greg on The 1973 Diary, Part 10: “I don’t have kids, but it sounds like a 15 year old to me!Oct 15, 11:39
  • Helen Rice on The 1973 Diary, Part 10: “Eating KFC in a phone booth and at a bus stop 😆Oct 14, 22:20
  • Helen Rice on Medical Records – Cardiology No. 6: “It must have been so frustrating for Tren that she went through all the drama in hospital and the results of the cardioversions were failing. Coffee and Vegemite toast 😋 👌Oct 10, 19:27
  • Julie Ann Martin on The 1973 Diary, Part 8: “Love reading Tren’s diaries – takes me back to another time – cherished memories 💖Oct 1, 21:37
  • Greg on The 1973 Diary, Part 8: “Thanks for your comment Helen. Yes $50 would go a long way. The “Daily News” I put at the top of the post has a price of 5c, and at the bottom of the Movies page I included it’s clear that you can go to the Strand Restaurant in the city and get Chicken and Spaghetti for $1.40.Sep 30, 17:22
  • Helen Rice on The 1973 Diary, Part 8: “When Tren received $50 from Child Welfare it was a big amount back in 1973 and I imagine she was able to buy quite a few items of clothing. I empathise with her about being bored at work as my first job was the same and I quickly lost the skills learned at Business college.Sep 30, 10:32
  • Helen Rice on The 1973 Diary, Part 6: “Funny to remember – reference to watching the ‘Sunday Movie ‘ at Barb’s, I looked forward to those movies. Reuven still calls Coles – Coles New World 😆Sep 16, 21:29
  • Debbie Podesta on 9/11: “Happy birthday Tren. Thoughts of you on your special day. XxSep 12, 16:56
  • Greg on The 1973 Diary, Part 5: “Thanks for reading and commenting, Julie. For those wondering, Julie is Trenna’s school friend who she meets every day before and after “BC” in the “The 1973 Diary”. (She is mentioned a few times in The Kitchen Tapes, too.) They remained friends until Trenna passed away.Sep 11, 08:02
  • Julie Ann Martin (née Hampton) on The 1973 Diary, Part 5: “Janet was a really lovely girl & Tren did appreciate spending time with her & her family – Tren & I did speak of & talk of why & how we had lost contact with Janet – I too wondered how her life journey was?Sep 10, 23:36
  • Greg on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “On the face of it, Helen’s comment seems simple enough, but it does contain an interesting insight into Trenna (and our society’s in those days). 1975 Perth, and most of the rest of Australia, was VERY MONO-cultural. Us mainstream white people rarely saw an Aboriginal person, there were not many Asian people, and if we encountered a Muslim we would have been totally baffled. Really, it was very much a society of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. Thankfully that is no longer the case in Australia today. BUT, Helen’s comments are about 1975. And what she is saying is that 3 friends of Trenna’s came to visit – 1 Asian guy, and 2 Aboriginal woman!!Sep 10, 17:51
  • Helen Rice on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “I think Kerry did live with them and when Tren and I started living together in South Perth mid 1975, Bob Lee brought Kerry and another sister (not Rose) to visit us and that’s when I first met Bob Lee.Sep 9, 21:32
  • Greg on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “I think Trenna would have a record of that, which I will check. She had a LOT of different addresses before settling down with me.Sep 9, 16:57
  • Helen Rice on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “Did Tren live in Cleaver Court apartments in Leederville after Bey Apartments or before or did I imagine that 🤔Sep 9, 16:17
  • Greg on Six Months of “Absolutely! The first thing leads to the second!Sep 9, 16:15
  • Helen Rice on Six Months of “Greg I think the website has been great on two accounts first that it keeps Tren ‘alive’ and secondly and I think importantly it keeps you focused and brings you joy 😊Sep 9, 16:14
  • Greg on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “Yes, that sounds right. Did Kerry live at Bey Apartments too? I thought there were more than 3 there.Sep 9, 16:06
  • Helen Rice on Why She Left Bey Apartments: “One of the sisters was Kerry Gibson and I think it was Kerry she met one day at UWA where Tren was studying FrenchSep 9, 16:02
  • Helen Rice on The 1973 Diary, Part 5: “Greg I remember Janet’s family were religious but it was great that they welcomed her into their home. I think once Tren met the Gibson sisters and moved into Bey Apartments her life changed dramatically and she had to grow up quicklySep 8, 23:48
  • Greg on The 1973 Diary, Part 5: “Thanks for raising the issue of Janette (or Janet) Nelson, one of Trenna’s friends from Kent Street Senior High School. One of the Kitchen Tapes talks about the end of their relationship and how Trenna had regrets about it in later life. Basically, Tren left school at the end of 3rd year, and Jan continued on. What followed, as you will see in further instalments from the 1973 Diary is that Trenna had to grow up quickly, and Jan (as Trenna saw it) stayed a school girl. I am sure that would have changed in the next year or two but by that time they had stopped interacting. I know FOR SURE that Tren appreciated her friendship with Janette and also the generous way Jan’s parents welcomed her. When Trenna first came to live with me in Kensington in 1988 we used to drive down McMillan Street, East Victoria Park and at Janette’s house at that time there was a sign out the front promoting Mr Nelson’s Car Brake business. Trenna thought she would go and knock on the door (but didn’t) and shortly after the sign disappeared. She never re-established contact. I would very much like to talk to Janette to pass on Tren’s good thoughts, but also in the hope of filling out a few of the stories. Janette/Janet if you are out there, or if anyone knows how to contact her, please get in touch. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, Helen.Sep 8, 15:53
  • Helen Rice on The 1973 Diary, Part 5: “I didn’t realise how much time Tren spent with Janet Nelson and her family in the GFS days, putt putt, snooker etc which was important for her to have a regular family routine. Do you know what happened to Janet?Sep 8, 14:02
  • Greg on Trenna’s Marfan Exercises: “It is nice. We had been going out together less than a month when I suggested a camping trip to Pemberton. I was blown away with joy when she agreed! I have plans to do a whole post on that trip, but I thought the exercise of going up that very big tree fitted (sort of) the post about exercises. Nice to hear from you Colin.Aug 1, 22:54
  • Colin Seckington on Trenna’s Marfan Exercises: “That’s a beautiful pic of Tren taken on 1st February 1988 which I’ve never seen. She would have been 30 then and still working at the HBF.Aug 1, 22:38
  • Greg on Trenna’s Rough Notes on the 1970s: “Thanks Colin. I’m still enjoying it immensely.Jul 30, 07:57
  • Colin Seckington on Trenna’s Rough Notes on the 1970s: “Great Greg! Your post definitely filled in some blanks for me when Tren worked at HBF for over 13 years and when she moved to Blackmore Avenue to name but a few . Please keep up the good workJul 30, 00:59
  • Linda on “Better than sex” – Earl Grey and Other Favourite Drinks: “We drank a lot of Tia Maria at Cine Cellars! I have good memories of those years.Jul 25, 19:10
  • Greg on The 23rd Kitchen Tape: “I don’t want to make you queasier, but for those who don’t know, the process was basically to stick a needle into her eye many, many times to break the lens up into tiny pieces. It left her eyes terribly scarred. Plus debris and floaters in the eyes. Oh! Now I’m queasy!Jul 25, 19:06
  • Greg on The Menu Diaries No. 12: “Hi Linda, It got WAY better than these 1993 offerings. From about 1996 for at least 10 or 15 years we had much more inventive and delicious menus. I’m doing a fair bit of cooking these days but it is less fun cooking for one. Trenna left LOTS and LOTS of recipes, and an appreciation in me that with a little effort the rewards are great.Jul 25, 19:03
  • Linda on The 23rd Kitchen Tape: “I didn’t realise Tren’s lenses had already dislocated at age 2. ‘Needling’ made me feel queasy – & Tren such a little, young girl.Jul 25, 19:02
  • Linda on The Menu Diaries No. 12: “You ate very well! Do you still make any of those delicious meals?Jul 25, 18:51
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes No. 19: “Thanks for clarifying it Ross. Trenna never thought her memory was infallible – she was at Craig House a long time, and there were a number of House Masters and Mistresses over the years. I really appreciate the input of those who have either a better, or an alternative recollection of events described on this site. One of the many things I am trying to achieve with is to lay down for the future a small part of Western Australian history. So getting the facts right is part of that. All comments are welcome. GregJul 17, 20:30
  • Ross L on The Kitchen Tapes No. 19: “The shooting joke was definitely in the time of Mr and Mrs Barnes, as I was there. The Partingtons had parted from Craig House before I arrived. (Sorry, but ….)Jul 17, 20:17
  • Greg on Soundwave Festival 2013: “It was great. I don’t think you were carrying anything at all that day. Trenna and I noticed as we had to carry pills, visual aids etc. Perhaps an ID might have been wise, though.Jul 5, 14:59
  • Milka on Soundwave Festival 2013: “Such a great day!! I think that’s the time I forgot to bring ID and was sporting a nice ‘juvie cross’ all day… haha! Sober at Soundwave… très uncool…Jul 5, 14:52
  • Greg on Grief – What I’ve Learnt in the First 18 Months: “Thanks Ross. It really is something tangible I can do about a fairly esoteric phenomenon. I like doing it.Jun 22, 22:30
  • Ross L on Grief – What I’ve Learnt in the First 18 Months: “I hope this “blog” is helping.Jun 22, 22:25
  • Linda on BABY ZARA HEIRLOOM BLANKET: “That’s a brilliant story! Well done, Tren. I’ll have to send you a photo of rug Jan & Trenna created.Jun 8, 16:59
  • Greg on No. 16 in the Kitchen Tape Series: “That’s true Linda. I certainly have bad thoughts about the bullies, but being exactly the same age I can be fairly sure that kids in that era had NO IDEA the damage they were doing – I’m NOT trying to justify it. The people who should have known and done something about it were the teachers, and the people at Legacy. I do wonder if it would have been different if Trenna had parents or some other advocates on her side. I’m pretty sure it would have been. The next Kitchen Tape, No. 17 has some brighter school days and another nice boy.Jun 7, 21:04
  • Greg on Number Nine, Number Nine…: “Hi Linda, No good ones. If any readers have some I would love to see them. I think I have already posted the two I do have in either 1 or 2 Kitchen Tapes posts. One is a happy Trenna with her sister Barb, in the bathroom. The other is Trenna sitting on her bed in the Pink Room. Neither photo gives you much of a feel for the place. As you know photography with a flash wasn’t a very big thing in those days.Jun 7, 20:43
  • Linda on Number Nine, Number Nine…: “Do you have any interior photos of Craig House?Jun 7, 20:30
  • Linda on No. 16 in the Kitchen Tape Series: “Wayne Owens is unaware his kind words stayed with Trenna for the remainder of her life. Unfortunately, the bullies’ words also stuck.Jun 7, 20:19
  • Greg on No. 16 in the Kitchen Tape Series: “Yes, the bullying was tough, and I know it effected her her whole life. Trenna didn’t go to any school reunions, I think she only heard of one or two. There was definitely one when Trenna was in her 40s or thereabouts, and as you know, she was a good looking woman by then and she was very physically able. She asked a friend to go with her, and I think it was her friend Julie Martin. In the end Julie pulled out and Trenna didn’t go. It is a pity. I’m pretty sure Wayne Owens had no idea of the power of his kind words. Hopefully He’ll read this one day.Jun 7, 18:56
  • Greg on Introducing the Menu Diaries: “Hi Linda, I’d say she liked it all provided it was done properly. If I had to pick one it would probably be French, but she loved, Thai, Italian, and Indian too. She didn’t really like going to Cafes and finding they served up food down market from what we made at home. Another favourite would definitely be the long lunches at home with me and just 1 or 2 other people – such as yourself, but I think the main attraction of that was the opportunity for long discussions. I guess the other thing is she really appreciated it when she cooked a new recipe and it came out well and I appreciated it – or after several tries she eventually got it right. Thanks for asking.Jun 7, 18:44
  • Linda on No. 16 in the Kitchen Tape Series: “The bullying recollections are upsetting to read. Did Tren ever attend a school reunion or meet up with the bullies as adults? I wonder if Wayne Owens knew that Tren appreciated his friendly words?Jun 7, 18:40
  • Linda on Introducing the Menu Diaries: “Did Tren have a favourite cuisine? French, Italian, Indian? She was an accomplished & knowledgeable cook.Jun 7, 18:32
  • Greg on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “She loved doing it for the two of you Jade, and she loved the response she got when she gave it to you. XOJun 4, 14:41
  • Jade Canestrini on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “Oh my gosh! So much work! We absolutely treasure this rug made by Jack’s Great Aunty Tren – to be passed down the family for sure xoJun 4, 14:37
  • Kathy Munro on A Burger with a Peace Rally, and a Watch on the Side: “Oh dear Greg, I have ZERO recollection of this event 😢 I’m comfortable in the company of people of all sexual persuasions (as long as it’s legal and not exploitative). But as for me… back in those days I was DEFINITELY a feminist who shaved her armpits and chased boys, so I think Trenna might have misread the situation. 😉May 31, 18:31
  • Greg on “SCOLIOSIS BODY MIGRAINES” : “You’re right Helen, the curve was very noticeable. But you are also right that Trenna was always happy to share a laugh! 😀May 29, 14:59
  • Helen Rice on “SCOLIOSIS BODY MIGRAINES” : “I became aware of Tren’s serious scoliosis when I accompanied her to buy a new bra. We laughed in the changerooms as I kept drawing on the curvature of her back. Unfortunately for Tren this condition made her suffer 😔 regularly with the body migraines.May 29, 14:55
  • Greg on Menu Diary No. 7: “We did, Hel. It was important to Tren and then it became important to me too.May 28, 16:48
  • Helen Rice on Menu Diary No. 7: “Boy you guys ate well 😋May 28, 16:45
  • Helen Rice on Blepharitis & Conjunctivitis: “Tren gave me great tips for helping my dry eyes which I still use today. Of course my problem was nothing compared to her Marfan issues.May 27, 13:21
  • Helen Rice on The 15th Kitchen Tape: “oh yes remember high school at Kent Street. We were quite terrified about starting a new life in high school, it was a total unknown but I can imagine even more so for Tren. I think we began high school with daggy hair cuts but gradually gained confidence as we were allowed to grow it longer. The bus we caught from the city outside the arcade was the number 28 which took us right to Kent St HS, I remember these horrible boys from Trinity who gave us hell teasing us until they got off before the Causeway. We were the first students to do the Achievement Certificate and first year high was divided into 2 sections A&B because of the volume of student numbers. Each section had their core subjects which were split into classes of Advanced, Intermediate and Basic. Tren was in A Section and was in Advanced for most of her core subjects, I was in B Section and was in Intermediate. The art teacher’s name was Mr Dowling or Dowding – I think, I liked him because he was relaxed about teaching art and I still remember how he taught us how to draw body parts – spherical shapes which had to be shaped into muscles. Most high school kids from Craig House went to Kent St, exceptions were Frank Tangney who went to Mt Lawley as he was attending there when he came to Craig House. When Craig House closed down at the end of 1972, Sally & Barb Crossing went to St Mary’s and Rob and Ralph went to a private school for boys. A few of us went on to Swanleigh.May 27, 13:17
  • Greg on Introducing the Menu Diaries: “Yes, it certainly has it’s uses. But I’m PRETTY SURE you are not alone in not having a record like Trenna’s!May 24, 21:51
  • Greg on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “That’s nice Lorraine (who is Jack’s grandmother). Thanks. XMay 24, 15:29
  • Lorraine on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “We all loved the rug, done with such precision. It is a much treasured gift that Jack will pass on to his kids.May 24, 15:24
  • Maureen Sellick on Introducing the Menu Diaries: “Trenna sounds like she was so organised. I’ve never done a menu diary but it makes sense in some ways. I tend to rely on my memory (which is pretty good). I have so many recipes saved online (in an orderly way) and many cookbooks. It would be good to keep a diary of at least what works. And also a record of which dishes I have served for guests. There have been times when I have wondered if I’d cooked this for them before.May 24, 13:11
  • Colin Seckington on The Art of Conversation: “Wisdom from Trenna’s iPAD I found absolutely brilliant. Fascinated by her 10 bullet points for the Art of Conversation. But you know what I really loved about the post was your preamble Greg to Tren’s 10 points, for it says so much about her and what she had become. Quoting from your preamble: “Trenna would remind me of it from time to time……………. just stuff you should probably remember .” It is of course part of her story and she wanted it to be told , you are exactly doing that Greg.May 23, 23:51
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes No. 14: “Re the grade 7 class pic – I found this on Facebook after searching for pics from Kent St students. And No Tren I didn’t think it was logical that you would look like a dork and I wouldn’t but I was shocked at how underdeveloped we were compared to the other girls in our class, they mostly had longer hair, we were not allowed to grow our hair until high school, very unfair.May 20, 18:09
  • helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes No. 14: “Yes Tren had the feeling about getting caught for wagging music lessons. the time we did get caught by Matron it was my fault, sad that Tren got the blame but I don’t remember having to go back to the Nuns to apologise but I do remember that our lessons came to an abrupt end. I have no memory of a Sister Gemma but only remember Sister Ansellin who was a bit like a Jekyl & Hyde character, one time she would be giving us chocolates and another time we were getting rapped on the knuckles. the concert at South Perth Primary I am sure we had to come up with what we wanted to sing and perform so Tren and I chose Puppet on a String. I remember being the puppet master and Tren was the Puppet singing and dancing. I am sure we both sounded dreadful but we probably thought we looked fantastic in our groovy gear. Yes the Kauri shell doll I remember had been sent to me by my Mother from maybe Darwin and we were allowed to take it to show other students and I vaguely remember this that it was dropped and broke. I thought our grade 6 teacher Miss Beard was lovely, she used to read the story of Jungle Book in the afternoons and I do remember the poem Wind Wind Wind – over the shoulder, around the boulder……hahahaMay 20, 17:30
  • helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes No. 13: “I am enjoying reading Tren’s memories of her early childhood and seeing pics of her so young that I have not seen before. laughing at the ‘headless chicken’, a ‘bobtail lizard’ and tacks in the bed…. I remember visiting Tren in PMH a couple of times after her eye operations, it seems these were an ongoing occurrence.May 14, 14:10
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes No. 13: “Thanks again for your comments Colin. I really think they add a richness to Trenna’s words.May 13, 20:21
  • Colin Seckington on The Kitchen Tapes No. 13: “I have a definite memory of getting Chicken Pox in 1960. I was still staying at the Wesley Cottage at the Mofflyn Home with my 3 sisters. I clearly remember Tren also having Chicken Pox at the time and having her hands tied. Mr Harkess was a lovely man. He was the Legatee Adviser to the Seckington family following the death of their father in later 1963 till end 1966 when he was forced to retire due to ill health. Can clearly remember visiting Tren in Princess Margaret Hospital in 1965. She was chirpy perky as she bounced around in her bed as if it was another day and just a walk in the park – not one having just undergone a major eye operation. As I stood next to her bed she took the bandage off over the eye that had been operated on. When I saw the masses of stitches in her eyelid I really did feel quite queasy and nauseous. In retrospect I think it was then that I was to realise what an amazing person she was to become – so full of courage, strength and resilience with everything that was to be thrown at her in the course of her life.May 13, 20:16
  • Colin Seckington on To Feel Able: “Absolutely fascinating reading. How she would structure her day to such detail as a means of survival .May 11, 19:23
  • Helen Rice on The Twelfth Kitchen Tape: “Very sad history for Tren and her family. I can understand Nancy’s reaction to the other family’s possible adoption of Tren and not wanting the Seckington family to be separated. I probably would have done the same.May 11, 13:54
  • Greg on “Dead at 27 and Never To Marry”: “That’s one way of looking at it Hel! 🙂May 11, 13:48
  • Helen Rice on “Dead at 27 and Never To Marry”: “Imagine Tren if you had died at the age of 27, you would have joined the famous 27 Club, joining Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse and others…..thank goodness you didn’t.May 11, 13:47
  • Helen Rice on To Feel Able: “I found this article amazing. with everything Tren was suffering, the ongoing pain and frustration with her body slowing down and yet she was able to have such a productive day, week and year. Tren was very organised and certainly not lazy. An inspiration to us all! I love the pic of Tren at the card table in the lounge room waiting to eat her deluxe burger for her 60th birthday and the line up of cutlery ready for a fine dining experience. We did manage to enjoy our joint 60th birthday lunch with husbands Greg and Reuven some time later at Coco’s in South Perth.May 11, 13:42
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “I don’t suppose it makes much difference. I suspect both books were in most households in Perth in those days.May 10, 16:48
  • Ross L on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Greg, you are right. it was probably a Golden Wattle recipe.May 10, 16:44
  • Greg on About: “Thanks Amanda, and very nice to hear from you.May 9, 21:25
  • Amanda Barns on About: “Hi Greg The website is wonderful and such a great legacy to Trenna’s unique life. I am really looking forward to discovering more about the backstory of the beautiful soul we knew as Trenna. Cheers AmandaMay 9, 21:23
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Thanks for your comments Ross. You got me reaching for my CWA Cookbook! Interestingly, of the 4 ice cream recipes in it none have evaporated milk. Importantly though, mine is a modern edition – the 54th published in 2011 – and I know they do continually revise recipes so it may have had evaporated milk in it in those days. BUT my Golden Wattle Cookbook, 27th edition, 1984, DOES have evaporated milk in 2 of it’s 3 icecream recipes. Just a bit of nerdy extra detail, or … maybe … extra nerdy detail. Thanks again for commenting.May 8, 22:38
  • Ross L on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “I am sure that Colin is correct. Matron’s curries were inspired by her time in Fiji, which may also explain her chosen “accoutrements:” banana with desiccated coconut, and a not-quite cachumber. I am pretty sure that evaporated milk “ice cream” was a CWA recipe, as my mum and several aunts used to also make it. And matron did make a pretty good pavlova.May 8, 22:24
  • Helen Rice on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “One of Tren’s many talents crocheting. I have a scarf and baby’s rug thanks to Tren’s crocheting. Perfect workmanship!May 7, 20:06
  • Helen Rice on The Darwin Letters No. 2: “I used to love receiving Tren’s letters from Darwin- so descriptive 😘May 7, 19:21
  • Greg on 11 – Trenna’s Favourite Number: “Thanks Colin for your insights. You being about 7 years older than Trenna it is good to get your perspective. I had heard the story about “bumping into” your Aunty and Uncle but I had forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me. For those not familiar with Perth, the distance from Bert and Hilda’s House to Craig House would be about 8 km. Mofflyn was not much further.May 5, 22:09
  • Colin Seckington on 11 – Trenna’s Favourite Number: “Comment to Kitchen Tape No. 11 Between 1960-1963 our Dad would pick us up for the weekend to stay with him. I clearly remember the Sunday mornings Tren piling into bed with me. We didn’t sleep of course and mucked around. I was always tickling her. Tren’s recollection of Early Signs of Derring-Do with Rocky and me are pretty well spot on. I clearly remember the time I came roaring down the hill on my 3-wheeler pulling Tren in her little wagon and braking at the bottom resulting in Tren falling out. She was not yet two. On Sunday 11th August 1974 I took Tren on my 90cc Suzuki motor bike for a small trip around Perth. She was nearly 17 at the time. We went down Edinburgh Street and to our surprise who should be standing in their front garden but Uncle Bert and Auntie Hilda. We stopped of course and talked to them. The last time both of us had seen them was 11 years ago. Sometime in 1963.May 5, 22:00
  • Colin Seckington on A Rug for Jack and Jade: “What incredible resilience my little sister had even at the age of 57 (2014) has never ceased to amaze me.May 5, 19:25
  • Greg on The Menu Diaries No. 4: “No wonder you were so gracious about it Helen!! I absolutely did, although it was only momentary – a few times! I’m sorry. Trenna definitely noticed – there wasn’t much that she missed! I do remember it being a good night. In my defence there had been something going on at work I think that had meant I had been working long hours, including at home at night. You are right about us eating well. Trenna put a lot of importance on menu planning and execution. The details and variety were important to her. You’ll notice that (apart from having the left overs on a second night, which just makes sense) we pretty well never had the same protein two menu items in a row eg a beef dish followed by a different beef dish etc. Plates were always warmed before serving, and we had cloth napkins à la Craig House. Thanks for reading the post, and for commenting.May 4, 14:35
  • Helen Rice on The Menu Diaries No. 4: “I can’t remember you falling asleep at our dinner Greg but do remember good conversation You and Tren certainly ate well over the years and a lot of attention was put into planning 😃May 4, 14:20
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes No. 10: “I remember visiting with Tren for weekends at the Bassendean house where Nancy would make us toast and tea or cocoa for supper. Such indulgence 😄 Also do remember seeing The Happening movie in one of those downstairs cinemas in the city and vaguely think we were advised not to tell Matron as it was not suitable for our age.Apr 25, 13:03
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “That’s great, I hope you will keep coming back as I add more and more each week.Apr 18, 09:10
  • Greg on Number Nine, Number Nine…: “It was a big scar!Apr 18, 09:09
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Great to hear from you. There are certainly as many (more!) Marfan stories as there are people with the condition. I might bump the dog story up my priority writing list as Trenna was very certain of the benefit of having a dog in her life. All the best for the future and I hope you will keep coming back to the website for more instalments in Trenna’s life.Apr 18, 09:08
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thank you Lisa. I’m definitely encouraged to continue for some time now. I’m enjoying figuring out how best to display Trenna’s own material and also enjoying doing some writing myself. Apr 18, 06:35
  • Ingz on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “It’s an interesting read. I’m quite a bit younger than Trenna, but I’m fairly certain that I’m paying for being an extremely active youngster. I got my Marfan diagnosis in my late 20s, 35 now. I myself have lead quite an adventurous life until my body started deteriorating at a rapid pace about 5 years ago, at which time I decided to spend winter on the opposite side of the continent(Europe). But that was almost 5 years ago and I just never left. 😛 I don’t know where I’d be without my dog. He keeps me company when I can’t get out of bed.Apr 18, 00:59
  • Helen Rice on Introducing the Menu Diaries: “Tren taught me a quick chicken soup recipe which I still use – delicious 😋Apr 17, 16:33
  • Helen Rice on Number Nine, Number Nine…: “Matron was very strange sometimes a bit inconsistent in her behaviour and we copped her anger 😠 I remember Tren walking through the plate glass it looked horrific at the time but she was brave Also very unfair we had to be 15 before we got supper…Apr 17, 16:25
  • Helen Rice on Things That Worked for Trenna -Part 2: “Thanks for the helpful tips Greg and Tren, we can all benefit from some of them.Apr 17, 16:05
  • Sarah on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thank you Greg for documenting. I don’t often see information from Australia. As an Australian woman approaching my 50s with Marfan’s and still in relatively good health it is a bit scary to think what may be to come – but so helpful that Trenna and yourself have documented so much. I am very sorry for your loss.Apr 17, 05:09
  • Ruby on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “My heart goes out to everyone that either has or is looking after someone with marfan syndrome. My husband, bless his heart has this task as I have been diagnosed at 21….I am now 55 & it continues to be a very tuff road….I very much enjoyed reading this story & found things i can apply to my struggle ❤Apr 17, 00:28
  • Lisa Wesner on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Very informative. I loved all the info. I hope you continue with a web site for Trenna.Apr 17, 00:03
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thank you very much Dominic. I hope you will also find the other posts interesting/useful/whatever too. All the best GregApr 16, 21:28
  • Dominic on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Fascinating reading. Trenna was an amazing person and you, Greg, are an amazing person. I have Marfan since birth. I lost 2 brothers with it and had open heart surgery. It is amazing what the human body can do when you need/have to do it. The ideas that she came up with amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Thanks for caring so much. You are a God-send.Apr 16, 21:26
  • Greg on Things That Worked for Trenna -Part 2: “The fuller answer is that she used to score me on whether I had remembered to put everything on the table. There would be a lot of items to have laid out. I would usually forget something, which she, despite being pretty blind would spot straight away! I might have remembered everything …. once …. maybe?Apr 16, 14:37
  • Greg on Things That Worked for Trenna -Part 2: “10/10? You’re dreaming!Apr 16, 14:33
  • Linda on Things That Worked for Trenna -Part 2: “Wonderful & delicious lunches that I miss so much. Trenna would ‘score’ your effort, Greg; did you ever get 10/10? XApr 16, 14:31
  • Maureen Sellick on Floor 7 1/2: “Pete and I had an “is that…” moment in London. After a long walk one evening we found an Italian restaurant in the Earls Court area. This bloke walked in and I commented on this stereotypical foppish bloke, Hugh Grant looking but greying and older. Along with other people watching my eye kept on being drawn to him. Later on back at the hotel I thought mmmm I had in my mind the young dark haired Hugh Grant. On doing a google search I saw photos of him in 2018……guess who I had seen just a few metres away from me!Apr 11, 14:52
  • Colin Seckington on A Burger with a Peace Rally, and a Watch on the Side: “What a lovely story. Palm Sunday March 27th 1988. The day Greg inadvertently left Tren dressed in a 1970’s mini skirt with two lesbians with hairy arm pits. What one remembers of a shared life. Tren wanted her story told and you are doing a grand job of precisely that Greg. So please keep up the great work.Apr 10, 06:09
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “I suspect the date of her death will be in one of Tren’s diaries, but I haven’t found it yet. I’m pretty sure Trenna never knew how old Matron was. As with most things with Trenna, there is a story attached to this (obviously a sad one in this case). Trenna knew that Matron had moved to Busselton (I think). Trenna and I were in town, so Trenna went to a public phone box (as you did in those days) and rang her. Only to find she had died that very week! I think it was in the 2000s, ## POSSIBLY ## 2007. I’ll update if/when I find anything more. Other readers may know more, or know how to search for such things. I’d like to know how old she was when she was at Craig House??Apr 4, 22:08
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Colin I think matron may have died early to mid 2000s I think Tren told me it was on my birthday 11th August but Greg may have info from Tren’s journalsApr 4, 20:31
  • Colin Seckington on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Matron, as far as I know didn’t live in India but lived in Fiji with her sisters Faith and Pearl. BTW does anybody out there know the year Matron was born and the year she died?Apr 3, 08:08
  • Greg on THE Rolling Stones Concert – Part 2: “Yes, we were both over the moon! I recon the tickets to the second concert were probably the best value purchases we ever made.Apr 2, 15:33
  • Helen Rice on THE Rolling Stones Concert – Part 2: “Wonderful that Tren got to experience 2 Stone’s concerts in a week – WOW 👌Apr 2, 15:26
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Craig House icecream was home made using evaporated milk. Quite unique 👌Apr 1, 18:25
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “We loved crumbed brains. Funny though when we lived in South Perth as older girls I decided to have a go at cooking brains but forgot to boil the brains first before crumbing and frying them. The result was very disappointing 😞Apr 1, 18:21
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Didn’t know Matron had lived in IndiaApr 1, 18:19
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #7: “Oh yes the ‘boiled meal’ absolutely gross. Tren pranked me once, I was new and never saw capers before, so one meal after gym club we were eating our meal just us two and Tren said she would give me her peas which were actually capers which were totally unsuitable for a 10yo palette.Apr 1, 18:18
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes #5: “You are exactly right Helen. I once asked Trenna, “why such a big smile?”. And she replied, “because I was with my sister”.Mar 30, 15:41
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #5: “I look at the pic of Tren and Barb in the bathroom and the look on Tren’s face so happy to be with her big sister. We thought Barb was so beautiful 😍 Amos the black dog of Matron’s I never knew. When I came to Craig House there was a dog called Jippy who belonged to Irene Hollis. At a later time another black dog visited named Zinky.Mar 30, 13:33
  • Greg on I am Stuck: “I’m not sure it has all survived, but I’m already working on a post called “Angsty Teenage Poetry”! I’ve also got some of the song lyrics she wrote to sing with Bob and will be putting them up. Most of the hold up is transcribing – but I’ll get there.Mar 30, 12:56
  • Helen Rice on The Third Kitchen Tape: “We were enjoying our freedom as 17+ year olds. No car or phone in the house but we really enjoyed catching the bus to the city, going to The Charles Hotel Sunday session and afterwards tucking into our Kentucky Fried Dinner Box and watching Countdown on a black and white TV rented from Radio Rentals Ahhh heaven 😍Mar 30, 10:04
  • Helen Rice on I am Stuck: “Tren had a talent for writing and I hope Greg that you share some of her early works 😊Mar 30, 09:57
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “Thanks Helen. There is a good chance that’s correct. Tren never re-listened to the recordings, and as I didn’t do the transcripts until later, she never got to proof read them, either. As I have mentioned before, I welcome comments from anyone who knows something isn’t quite right, or if anyone can expand on what Trenna said. It all adds to the story.Mar 29, 21:24
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes #5: “I remember Trenna telling me that once! Or maybe it was you?! Your story reminds me of a story from my childhood some time in the 1960s. My mum was involved in our local Anglican church. Through that, on a few school holidays we billeted some Aboriginal kids from the Gnowangerup “Mission” ( I have no idea of the ethics of this, but it was seen by our community as a good thing at the time.) BTW, for those who don’t know, Gnowangerup is a small, Western Australian country town. Anyway, we took these kids to the zoo for an outing and one of the young girls WAS able to creep up on a squirrel and catch it! We couldn’t believe it, because we had tried plenty of times. She just petted it for a while then let it go. She probably had a different skill set to you, me and Tren, Helen!😀Mar 29, 20:51
  • Greg on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “I think Tren read every one of them. She sold a small number, for a few bucks when she was trying to pay off her first mortgage. Or more correctly, the money she lent off her sister Nancy to get the deposit for the mortgage. (Nancy wasn’t insisting on repayment but it weighed on Trenna’s mind). I believe she gave away the other Agatha Christie books to family or friends when we were packing to move to Darwin.Mar 29, 20:39
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes #5: “Once when we visited the zoo one of the keepers told us if we could catch a squirrel we could take it home – yeah right… those squirrels were far too fast for us to catch.Mar 29, 19:30
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “It was Tren who got me reading Agatha Christie books – we loved reading them during the 2 hours of homework each week night at Craig House. I still enjoy reading Christie novels.Mar 29, 19:23
  • Helen Rice on The Kitchen Tapes # 6: “The girl named Lauren Richards was Florence Richards but I cannot remember visiting her house but vaguely remember her family didn’t have a lot materially.Mar 29, 19:21
  • Colin Seckington on The Kitchen Tapes #5: “I have read the Kitchen Tapes No. 5 post giving Tren’s recollections of her time at Craig House (1965–1972) made some 50 odd years later in 2018. when she was sixty, and within that time-frame found them to be superb, concise and to the point. I would agree whole heartily that our family relationship by and large had disintegrated, particularly for her, after we moved to the Mofflyn homes. I was deeply touched by her memory of me as being a shy child, not clever intellectually, overall quite strange and one who didn’t make male friends. I was also amazed that she understood and had deducted at such a young age the role Mike Tognolini, my housemaster for three of the four years I was to stay at Craig House, had played in my upbringing. He was definitely one of the main catalysts that had assisted me in continuing my education well after I had left Craig House in 1967.Mar 21, 23:10
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thanks Nancy [Tren’s sister].Mar 18, 20:20
  • Nancy Seckington-Baker on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Incredible reading Greg. How blessed are we you came into Trenna’s life. You are now continuing with that blessing. Thank you xMar 18, 14:54
  • Greg on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Thank you Colin [who is Trenna’s brother]. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading it. There will be more……Mar 16, 21:54
  • Colin Seckington on Marfan and Other Chronic Conditions – Things That Worked for Trenna: “Absolutely fascinating reading. The first post I’ve read. So very, very happy Greg with what you are doing with Green Pensheets – of course why not. Your FINAL POINT in the post is so poignant and I must add you have definitely not given the wrong impression.Mar 16, 21:20
  • Glenda Young on Moshing With Black Sabbath!: “Lardy Ladies 🤣brilliant Trenna .. I love reading this.. Ade told me about the night when he arrived home… and yes Trenna he is a really good bodyguard (this was a job he took very seriously with Jen’s mum Wilma when we went out). Lovely to read Trenna’s account of the night and so happy she had a good time xx❤️❤️❤️Mar 16, 17:35
  • Greg on The Third Kitchen Tape: “I think (hopefully) being younger helped.Mar 14, 20:32
  • Kathy Munro on The Third Kitchen Tape: “What a wild and fascinating time they had in this house but it also sounds bloody uncomfortable….Mar 14, 20:26
  • Kathy Munro on Moshing With Black Sabbath!: “I loved the lardy ladies ref too 🤣Mar 14, 20:13
  • Greg on “Please allow me to introduce myself…”: “Yes, that’s quite a good summary, Kathy. ThanksMar 14, 20:05
  • Kathy Munro on “Please allow me to introduce myself…”: “I only had two opportunities to meet Trenna but the lasting impression I have, is of a witty, droll, warm & empathetic astute and quietly courageous woman. She made little fuss and brooked no BS. Had I been living in WA I would have liked to be her friend. I think she would have been a loyal one. Cheers to you Greg for helping make Trenna’s wish come to fruition.Mar 14, 20:03
  • Maureen sellick on “Please allow me to introduce myself…”: “What a wonderful, loving and healing thing to be doing!Mar 14, 12:52
  • Greg on Moshing With Black Sabbath!: “My thoughts exactly. Definitely my favourite phrase of the whole piece. Thanks for commenting Wayne.Mar 14, 11:17
  • Wayne Johnson on Eulogy: “A Victa lawn mower, and a man for life in one fell swoop. Trenna is the reason manufacturing and caring men have survived in Australia.Mar 14, 11:04
  • Wayne Johnson on Moshing With Black Sabbath!: “The lardy ladies… I like that observation. Only Trenna could get away with it, and thank you.Mar 14, 10:47
  • Julie Ann Martin on “Please allow me to introduce myself…”: “To know Trenna was to love her – her strength her smile & her heart ♥️Mar 13, 21:22
  • Greg on Eulogy: “Thanks for reading it Deb. You are my first commenter! The eulogies from Helen and Nancy will be coming soon.Mar 13, 17:15
  • Debbie Podesta on Eulogy: “Tears, but so wonderful to hear again. Thank you.Mar 13, 16:43

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