By Greg
I thought it worthwhile to write a couple of notes about the use of photographs on the website.
I will probably write a post about how Trenna used photographs to aid her poor eye sight and to aid her exemplary memory. However, this isn’t that post.
Key Points to Remember When Looking at Photos on the Site
- As much as possible I have used photos from Trenna and my collection. So we either took the photo, used a self timer (which is something we did a lot of in the early days) or a friend or relative took them.
- Some photos were given to Trenna, in particular family photos from the very early days.
- When I use a photo from another source, for instance a Stock photo or one from Wikipedia I have tried to acknowledge that.
- Where a caption is in “inverted commas” it means that Trenna captioned that photo on her laptop or iPad. So those are her actual words. If there are no inverted commas(” “) I probably wrote the caption for the website, or added to her original caption.
- Because I want the website to serve as a historical document I have kept the amount a photo is cropped to an absolute minimum. In this way all the background is shown in case that is useful to someone looking at the photo – perhaps in the future. I have made an exception if there is absolutely nothing to be gained. For example empty sky or big patches of unremarkable lawn in the foreground have sometimes been removed.
- I have done almost no “photoshopping” of images. Mainly to save time, plus I do find it a bit tedious. Occasionally I have used very rudimentary brightness or contrast controls, or staightened up an image.
- Trenna got her first digital camera as a gift from her family for her 50th birthday – September 2007. Almost all the photos before that were from film. Whilst Trenna was alive she and I scanned most of our photo prints and I also scanned many of the film negatives.
- Generally I try not to repeat photos, but if the story necessitates it I’m prepared to repeat them.
- I am very happy for readers to ask questions about things they can see in the photos but that aren’t mentioned in the story or caption. Either use the Comments box at the bottom or use the Contact Greg form.
- Depending on how you are looking at the website, in most cases you can click or tap on a photo and it will come up full screen and allow you to scroll through all the other photos in the post.
- There are a (very) few photos of Trenna that I knew she didn’t like, and a few that I think don’t accurately represent the situation depicted. You are unlikely to see those photos on the site.
Well that’s the Photo Primer taken care of. When I am running out of material – at LEAST a year away – I will probably put photos I haven’t published yet on a separate page or post (there is a difference in WordPress land).
All Photos
Here are almost all the photos I have put on the website so far. If you click on a particular photo it should enlarge and you can then scroll through the larger versions.
There are a lot of photos here, so it may take a while to load.
"Fish Eye Hel, Silly me". In Melbourne 24 February 2016.
I still use the butter dish we bought on that walk through Bridgetown in 2015.
Trying to overcome the "Greg's got a big head" effect.
Trying to perfect our selfie technique!
On our walk around the lake. I now can't recall which of the two houses we stayed in. I think it was the one on the right. 15 September 2015.
"Reflections on The Lake". The view from the back porch of the place we rented in Bridgetown. 10 September 2015.
During our exploration of Bridgetown
6, 1st A mob or a troop of Kangas 5
"Tren Winter bushwalk John Forrest National Park". 1 June 2014.
This photo is from Wikipedia. It is very reminiscent of what I saw that night.
Tren relaxing at Albany the afternoon before we were totally inundated with rain. 20 November 1992.
"Bridgey Pub". 15 September 2015
That is a pretty big hunk of tree. It was a nice bushwalk in a lovely forest. 16 September 2015
"Winter bushwalk". Starting off on the walk. Trenna was very pleased when she found some hiking boots, AA width that were a pretty good fit. I had recently bought her that backpack. It is small but can hold a few essential items. I still use it occasionally. 1 June 2014.
"Kissing Kangaroos". Outside the John Forrest Tavern. 1 June 2014.
There are a lot of kangaroos in this story. 1 June 2014.
"A duo of happy tailgaters". In the back of the Vitara. 1 June 2014.
Trenna near Carnaby Street when we went to Europe for about 7 weeks in 2009. 19 September 2009.
"Feeding my face Bakery delights." 1991.
"Relaxing with the paper after breakfast." At Rotto, in a cottage just near the bakery. Julie, Colin and Greg.
Trenna playing mini golf on Rottnest Island, Coin and Julie are with her. 1991.
"Folding Lila's blanket." Another baby rug. This one for her friend Helen's granddaughter. 12 March 2015.
"For Jade & Jack." A rug for our niece and her son. The story is told elsewhere on this site. 25 December 2014.
"For Jade & Jack." A rug for our niece and her son. The story is told elsewhere on this site. 25 December 2014.
Tren in our new kitchen, perhaps making ratatouille?? Our Sony Cassette player on the bench - I've still got it, but not in regular use.
"Greg checks out goldfish." We had recently made the pond and fern garden including the steps I'm squatting on. From the ugg boots and the direction and length of the shadows I can see it is quite early in the morning, After breakfast every day we would go out together and look at the garden. September 1991.
"Greg's doing the pond I'm potting plants." On the east side of our newly extended kitchen we set up a potting area using our old toilet door as the bench top. September 1991.
Inside the Banks Hotel in Melbourne. I probably took the photo to show Trenna that I was working. Of course, as it was pre-digital it was often weeks before anyone got to see the photos.
"Us toffs C & C's Murder Night." I think my "top hat" was a flower pot. 27 July 1991.
"Col & Chris Murder Night cast." Julie, Trenna, Greg, Karen, Colin, Christine, Eggs. Colin Perry probably took the photo. I think the "murder" was set in the 1920s.
"Dressed, ready to rule." At home before we left for the evening. 27 July 1991.
"Time to eat." Tren, sister Barb, and Barb's daughter Nat. Celebrating the 2 sisters' birthdays. I also notice we have the best Noritake china out, the asparagus fern hanging down from the top of the pantry, and a maiden hair fern we had for years on the window sill.
"Sky-larking @ Xmas." At Barb's house. Nancy would have taken the photo. 25 December 1991
Some delightful swimming spot in Far North Queensland. It is a self-timer photo of me diving in to be with Tren. October 1991.
"Great Barrier Reef Cruise." 10 October 1991.
"Honeymooners, Cape Tribulation Echo Resort lunch." 8 October 1991.
The Kuranda Train from Cairns into the rainforest. 6 October 1991.
"All clear ahead." Tren on the Kuranda Train. 6 October 1991.
I'm at Araluen, a lovely park in the hills near Perth, and around Trenna's birthday each year masses of tulips are blooming. 16 September 1991.
"Brett's 10th b'day tea." In the front room of our house. 6 January 1991.
My Mum and Dad with me and all my siblings. At Kev's house for Mum's birthday. 17 February 1991.
Trenna pulling on her Reeboks at Kings Park on her 34th birthday. 11 September 1991.
On cool weekends we would often have a cooked breakfast on our front porch. 1991.
"After the show DJ Lord & Kym."
"After the show blurry Kym with smiley DJ Lord."
"PE DJ Lord. Hands in the air. Yoi"
"10.35pm say Yeeerrhh, Chuck D." 28 February 2014.
"After the show DJ Lord & Kym."
"Festival of Perth Chevron Gardens."
"Me at PE concert." The smile says it all. 28 Feb 2014.
"10.09pm PE are in da house." 28 February 2014
Jack's father, Maurice Mahney is standing next to Jack Simpson, the man with the donkey. The photo was taken in Cairo before they both went off to Gallipoli.
"Amusing." A few weeks after the events described in this post Trenna is entertaining her friend Linda who has come over for Morning Tea. 30 August 2105.
A screenshot of the Pages document on Trenna's iPad.
Trenna's resignation from HBF letter printed on our dot matrix printer.
Trenna knew how much she paid as we kept the receipt and tags. Even $499 was a lot in 1990.
"Me & old P cold @ Meelup". Trenna is wearing her leather jacket and has her dog Prickles. She wanted to have a look at modern day Meelup, scene of many happy camping trips with the Andersons when she was young. This was in July (winter) 1990. We might have just driven down for the day.
"I'm going to have a shower." There wasn't a roof over the shower at that stage of the renovation. 21 November 1990
"Sunday - Sisters & Mum White".
"Mum & Dad's Bibra Lake". One of our many trip[s to visit my parents. Often we would return with lots of plants for our garden. 1990
"In Bamboo Supreme Court Gardens." In later years Tren would remark how "1990s" it was to match up track pants, leg warmers and a leather jacket. Sunday 16 September 1990.
"Dame Trenna Helaine leaves HBF". Trenna holding Court during a farewell lunch at work. 2 November 1990
"Saturday B & T BD our garden". In our back yard. The celebration was for Trenna and her sister Barb's birthdays. Nancy is on the left. 8 September 1990.
"Family over, Lib's pressy for me". Lib is our niece. The gathering would have been for Trenna's 33rd birthday. I see Trenna's desk and our rotary dial telephone are in the lounge room. 8 September 1990.
We made a pond and stocked it with goldfish some time in 1990. It would have got bulldozed when we did the renovations later in the year. (we saved the goldfish!)
Trenna sitting at our first PC documenting progress of the renovation.
Rally stage at Curtin University. 1990
Not pointing in the right direction. 1990
"Family waiting in line." 5 September 2004.
"Jack's Luck" Cover Front Cover
Mornings generally weren't her best time. The morning after the wedding. What I notice about this photo is that she doesn't have the zipper scar from the heart surgery she would have less than 3 months later. 24 October 1989.
The suite even had a ginormous TV!
"14.58pm More present unwrapping."
"20.30pm keeping an eye on each other."
More of the expansive suite.
A meal, presumably dinner, in our suite in the Parmelia Hotel.
It was probably only King Size, but at the time we had never seen a bed this big. Or a suite this big.
Going by the number of photos we were obviously impressed by the suite.
"12.32pm Friends end of the table."
"12.35pm Towards the start of lunch."
"11.53am Linda, Tren, Jan & Suzie"
"Set up camp for gang to arrive." 27 October 1989.
"Is there a more groovy couple in the world." Eating Cicerello's fish & chips at Fremantle. 12 November 1989
"Goofy girl on train home."
"I know what's coming". What she means by this caption is that by November 1989 she knew she would be having heart surgery the following January. The photo was taken during a picnic in the bush - we were quite worried about the possible outcome.
"Prickles on lap - gorgeous girls". On our front porch in December 1989.
The album that led him to be dubbed Eric Boil.
"Mandurah, mornings are not my best time." 25 October 1989.
"Melbourne Cup at Greg's work - Arnold Potts". Work stops at Curtin University (and everywhere else in Australia) for the running of the Melbourne Cup. I'm wearing the bowler hat. Arnold is in the green hat.
"Dwellingup with gang - honeymooners". We set up camp in the bush at Dwellingup and waited for our friends to arrive and get the news that we had got married. It wasn't a luxury honeymoon.
"Good morning Mr & Mrs Mahney". Coincidently the hotel suite is overlooking the Swan River and South Perth where Trenna grew up. 24 October 1989.
"19.30pm Posh nosh upgrade, Pilot Strike". Trenna glowing the evening of the wedding. This room service cart, which was heated to keep the food warm, contained at least a couple of courses. The hotel included the Champaign in the room, and those are the flowers the restaurant gave us.
"15.23pm cutting & kissing". My sister Deb baked and decorated the cake for us even though she was unable to attend.
"15.20pm Cutting the cake."
"10.30am Bride to be grooming." The photo shows Trenna's braided hair and a bathroom that only lasted another year or so.
"10.30am Husband to be grooming."
"10.33am Happy couple in our lounge room before." I can see cassettes and VHS tapes in the bookcase behind us. And that is Trenna's TV and video cassette recorder, both pretty much state of the art for the time.
"10.33am Happy couple in our lounge room."
"10.36am Out the front of Vista Street before wedding."
The Registrar making sure we knew what we were getting ourselves into before marrying us. My Dad in the foreground. 11:31am on 23 October 1989.
"11.35am Exchanging rings." She looks pretty happy.
"11.40am More exchanging of rings."
The Victa Lawnmower Trenna bought me - what a girl! I have also just replaced our old Hills hoist clothes line with this modern version. Some years later that area became a swimming pool. 13 October 1989.
Christmas in July at the Academic Registrar's Office at Curtin University on 14 July 1989. I'm the bearded guy behind the cake cutter. I recognise Colin Gawned next to me, but unfortunately I don't remember anyone else.
Trenna extolling the virtues of her (then) favourite drink, Tia Maria and Coke at Bec's 18th birthday party.
Barb & Nancy's families on our front porch for Libby's birthday. Libby (now known as Liz) is sitting on the right.
"Greg pit stop in new Pintara". In the Western Australian countryside, heading North for a holiday. October 1993
The list of names Trenna came up with one day for a Darwin letter home
Our Kitchen at about 4 pm during our annual ANZAC Day barbecue. This one in 2014. It still had a few more hours to go.
The "boiled" sauce on the left, and the the one on the right tended to be used more.
Shame on them for pretending it is a good coffee grinder. It IS a really good spice grinder.
It is now many years old and has had a lot of use but our moulie still does the job admirably.
Frozen Chillis. In typical Tren style red chillis in the red container, and...
Trenna with a cart in the grounds of The Old Mill, just metres from where she and Helen lived at 19 Mill Point Road, South Perth. She was probably thinking of this cart and the nearby mill when she wrote the song "Portrait of a Mill". Trenna has dated the photo as 24 September 1975 - about a month and a half before she wrote the song lyrics.
A screenshot of the start of Trenna's 1988 entry in her iPad.
"Lurex & Shoulder pads for HBF Dinner". 23 July 1988.
"MacDonalds Ob City." 8 May 1988.
"Me looking oddly at Greg". The piano behind me is the one we got for free from the women's refuge. 20 May 1988.
"Me & P comfy at home". Prickles was eventually found, a little worse for wear, but OK. This photo is from July 1988. (My Mum crocheted the rug for me before I met Trenna.)
"Dressed for Neil Purdy's wed after lunch at Jan's". Trenna never let me forget that I fell asleep in her arms whilst we were doing a (too) slow dance that night. 27 November 1988.
"Easter Hot Cross Buns on porch". 27 March 1988.
Trenna's iPad at the Kitchen Bench where she recorded "The Kitchen Tapes".
Several years ago I bought Trenna a ukulele. She tried leaning via YouTube. She ran into two problems, both Marfan related. Firstly she had trouble seeing the videos, and secondly, her Marfan fingers were so long she had real trouble getting her fingers into the right position on the fretboard.
Greg waiting for the lift at the Ramada Gold Coast to take him to the conference. It's 11 September 1993 (Trenna's 36th birthday).
"Birthday Girl." At Nancy's to celebrate Trenna's birthday. We are with our niece Liz.
The Batmobile at Movie World on the Gold Coast. 12 September 1993.
"Lurex me, @ S & N engagement." A photo of Trenna from the early 1980s. She would have been 24 years old when this was taken on 10 October 1981.
Trenna's were always much neater than mine (I did this one in 2023) but you get the idea.
"Us & smokes." Jan and Trenna during the cruise in 1980.
"The Streets of San Fran." 30 March 1982.
"Wet Cable Car ride." 30 March 1982.
"2 Guys busted on Sunset Blvd." OK, so it isn't a great photo, but it is authentic. 19 March 1982.
"Our first meal in Prague." 24 May 2012.
"Sea World Spectacular." 19 January 1982.
"Manhattan Rubbish strike" 26 January 1982. This photo was a favourite of Trenna's. That's her at the cart. For one of her birthdays I converted it to a black and white photo, enlarged it and framed it as a present.
Trenna sitting with Jim and Tony in front of The Revolution Rollercoaster at Magic Mountain. 27 February 1982.
Daytona Beach on 7 January 1982. As Trenna says in the diary, there are cars on the beach.
"Brownstone stoop." 1 February 1982.
"Brooklyn graffiti subway." 26 January
"Stars Hall of Fame Florida." 10 January 1982. I often thought Trenna had a resemblance to Judy Garland, but this photo is taken years before I met Trenna.
"Snow fight". Trenna on the right hand side, Toni on the left outside the house they stayed in in Boston. 6 December 1981
"Sledding". 6 December 1981
Trenna and Toni in front of Niagara Falls, Canada on 8 December 1981
"Our home with Tony's Boston rellies". 6 December 1981.
"Times Square night traffic Dec 30 '81"
"Times Square-dinner & show". Toni & Trenna after attending "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" in NYC.
The Islander Motel was just $12 per night. Daytona - Florida, 7 January 1982
"Kennedy Space Centre Florida". 8 January 1982.
Trenna and Toni apparently took the Tourmobile hop on, hop off bus to see Washington DC.
Trenna's Diary with Doug's card taped in place, as she did with many souvenirs.
The diary page with Trenna's fortune cookie fortune taped to it.
"Hello Reuv". Trenna and Helen near the Queen Victoria Markets in Melbourne. Helen is talking on the phone to her husband. 24 February 2016.
"The Reception, J & N with HBF girl friends." Trenna 2nd from the left. 9 March 1985.
"T & me Going away dinner". October 1981
"Acapulco Annie's Bon Voyage dinner for T & me". October 1981.
Trenna at The Orbit Inn at Perth Airport having a drink with her brother Colin and his new wife Jose. 20 October 1981.
"Work Farewell party". It looks like it was a very glittery affair. This photo taken near the front door of Trenna's Girrawheen duplex. 16 October 1981.
"Farewelling HBF friends B4 USA trip". Pictured are Toni, Sue, Trenna & Jan. October 1981.
"Toni & my last day at HBF b4 USA". October 1981
Trenna packed and ready to leave for the USA saying a farewell to her beloved friend, Prickles. 20 October 1981.
"Acapulco Annie's Bon Voyage USA dinner with friends." This is Sue, her husband Neil, Jan and Toni. I'm guessing they're Trenna's St Moritz cigarettes on the corner of the table. October 1981.
"My 25th smelling the Rose". Trenna at the Clinker Grill Restaurant for her birthday. September 1982.
"Barb's, me & kids b4 USA". Trenna at her sister's house with 4 nieces and a nephew. 17 October 1981.
1986, 23 Jun-4 Jul "Train the Trainer Course". The participants in the course. Trenna with red shoes. 23 July 1986.
"My place, Nancy's b'day Trivial Pursuit". Nancy is on the Right, Barb on the left and Barb's husband Alan in the kitchen of Trenna's Girrawheen duplex. February 1986.
"Blackmore Ave Colin & Prickles. Me in USA. 1981"
"Waikiki Beach" 7 April 1982
"Waikiki Beach". 7 April 1982.
Apr 6 '82 Laie Polynesian Cultural Centre near the end of their 6 month adventure.
"Lunch upstairs on the Pier", San Francisco. 2 April 1982
The Magic Mountain Roaring Rapids ride. 27 February 1982.
"Las Vegas." 13 March 1982.
"The Pasadena Boys with real guns." 19 March 1982.
"Poker after school Westside Story." 20 March 1982.
"Farewell Pasadena Fam." 29 March 1982.
"Lunch SF China Town." 30 March 1982.
"Alcatraz Island". 2 April 1982
"Clint Eastwood's movie cell"
"Stan & Jim can sing & play". Two of their new Pasadena friends.
Toni and Trenna at the Olivia Newton John Star. Throughout her trip people likened Trenna to OLJ who was big in the USA at the time.
"My fave." 24 February 1982
"Mann's Chinese Theatre". Toni and Trenna out the front. 24 February 1982
The Universal Studios Glamor Tram. 24 February 1982
"Ewing 1, Me blonde & Texan boots." 18 February 1982. Trenna in full Dallas mode.
"The King is Dead." 9 February 1982.
"My Disney pressys." She gave them all away as gifts. 9 January 1982.
"Chicago -30F Toboggan Cabin" 6 February 1982.
"Chicago Expelled sisters" 8 February 1982.
"Disney World Me & Mickey"
"Our Brooklyn digs". 16 December 1981. I believe Trenna is holding a stole owned by the elderly lady whose brownstone they were staying in.
"Mark pen pal Sarnia, Ontario". 14 December 1981
"Detroit pro Hockey- Buffalo John" 12 December 1981.
"Me & Twin Towers". 6 November 1981.
"WDC Mt Vernon GW Estate- Doug". 7 November 1981.
"Boston Tea Party" 4 December 1981
"T, Papa, me, Rocky". 6 December 1981. My understanding is that they were relatives of Toni's.
"The rest of our Boston Fam" 7 December 1981
Trenna hand wrote a cover for the first draft. We didn't have a title at that stage.
Jack Mahney (who would have been 85 at the time), signing his autobiography. He is sitting at Trenna's desk. 5 September 2004.
"Inside riddle Mel & Crist card"
The wedding present of a couple of books and some Yen was very carefully wrapped before being sent to London. "From our library to yours".
"A toast to the newleyweds". We dressed especially for the event. Trenna put two Blue Delft house on the table as the wedding was held in Delft.
The back of the card featured another of our photos and a ficticious website.
"Middle of Mel & Crist card"
Perhaps Wayne was trying to compose a Haiku?
One of the poems from Trenna's notebook. I don't know if the poem itself held any particular significance for Tren, but its sentiment and advice rings very true to the way she lived.
"Front of Mel & Crist card"
"Good news today" is the caption Trenna gave this photo of the newspaper of 30 March 2015. But she wasn't thinking of the cherry blossoms on the front page. She is talking about the story on the bottom left hand side.
The Contents page at the front of Trenna's poetry book.
Wayne at the yakitori place amazed at Trenna's ability to knock off a white wine.
"Walking up stairs in the freezing rain". Trenna returning from a meal out.
Cases for spectacles and napkins for meals
It was cold near that bridge in Kyoto
The Shinkansen to take us back to Tokyo
"People drink beer for breakfast". On the Limousine Bus to the airport.
The book Trenna hand wrote her poetry in 1972, 1973 and 1975.
The restaurant, right near our apartment, where we got the Hamburg.
"Weeping tree @ Kodaiji Temple."
"Blossom & vending machine."
"Arashiyama lunch." In the Obu Cafe. I don't know why I am striking that pose?
2, 23rd "Shadow Art." Helen and Trenna at an Ai WeiWei and Andy Warhol exhibition in Melbourne, 23 February 2016.
Tren around twilight near the start of the concert.
"Jane, me, feel-the-love crowd & stage"
Yet another warning sign. This one at the lift in our Kyoto apartment.
"Keaver Matron's cat in bin". Keaver was still around several years later, in 1971 when this photo was taken out the front of Craig House.
Point Walter in December 2022. It has changed quite a bit in the ensuing 57 or so years, but it remains a popular picnic spot on the banks of the Swan River.
"Our last dessert in the Lounge"
Our last dessert in the Lounge
The nice wine in the Club Lounge in the Capitol Hotel in Tokyo.
"Me back in Akihabara". Towards the start of the day, plenty of energy left. 2 April 2015
"Mr Cool". Noodles at Akihabara.
There are a lot of warning signs in Japan.
"Morning train to posh department stores". Tokyo 31 March 2015
"Woman with big corn cob". Ueno Park 30 March 2015
The scarves Trenna bought on our first day in Kyoto. April 2015.
"Crazy Ls". Trenna meets Wayne's two dogs.
" Thankfully, the owner helped Greg"
"Busy crosswalk, Shibuya". 31 March 2015.
"Workers under the blooms under the weather".
"Kindly gent took our pic under sweet Magnolia tree". 30 March 2015.
The urinal in the hotel's Club Lounge had hand rails if you were unsteady on your feet.
Saki barrels at the Hie Shrine.
We were happy with the bowls and chopstick rests we bought.
Wayne tried to explain which trains to catch to get home from Yokohama.
Our friend Wayne with Trenna when we visited his place in Yokohama. We went to this Yakitori place and had a very enjoyable evening.
Luna really was very cute.
Meeting Wayne. Hachiko looking over our shoulder. Trenna had knitted that scarf for me several years earlier when I used to work in the city.
"Dinner Hamburg" 6 April 2015
"Happy Greg found 100 yen shop."
The bed/dining/lounge room. Tren pretending to be in bed.
The bathroom entrance in the Kyoto apartment. I'm not all that tall.
"Lovely chef prepping dinner."
"Free noodle starter, then this". 5 April 2015.
Chef gave chopstick lessons and took our photo.
"Fun distorted shot". Greg and Trenna wearing the slippers Yusuke provided.
Visually impaired Trenna described this as hazardous.
Pretty well the whole apartment. The white machine on the left is a foot massager (we think).
Checking our tickets as we speed towards Kyoto on the Shinkansen. 4 April 2015.
The two bento boxes we bought on the bullet train to Kyoto. 4 April 2015.
Cool guys in Shibuya 109.
"Colourful streetscape Akihabara"
"Greg, happy in Yodobashi Camera". 1 April 2015.
"Lunch in Akihabara". 1 April 2015.
Akihabara noodle shop ticket machine.
"43 yrs known, 43 The Esplanade" At the gate to the Meiji shrine. Wayne and Trenna were at Craig House together.
The meal at La Granata. 30 March 2015
"Hey Wayne, we are right behind you"
TV Crew filming the crowd at Ueno Park
"Heading for Ueno Park". The crowd immediately out of the train station were all going in one direction.
At that time of year there are cherry blossoms all through Tokyo. We took this shot in a business district whilst we tried to find the Tokyo Tower.
Mascots are a big part of Japanese culture. These were at the TV station.
The "guy sweeping car park" at the Hie Shrine.
A wedding at the Hie Shrine, Tokyo. 29 March 2015.
Photo from our hotel window of the Hie Shrine.
"1987 Wolfgang, me & Steve, it got worse as the night went on". Some of the Cine Cellars gang went to a Japanese barbecue restaurant the year before Trenna and I got together ("Steve" is Evo).
Trenna on the front porch, Easter 1988. We were having a mug of tea and a couple of hot cross buns. That's a tub of margarine on the table. Trenna banned it from the house in later years. The two potted palms were later planted behind our swimming pool and both grew to an enormous size.
"Getting stuck in." Trenna's dog Prickles enjoyed visiting Kensington on the weekends. February 1988.
Pemberton Swimming Pool, February 1988.
The footbridge over the stream near where we camped was built on top of a large fallen tree.
"We need a rest". 1 - 4 February 1988.
It was a lovely shaded campsite at Pemberton in February 1988.
Trenna part way up the Gloucester Tree in Pemberton February 1988.
Trenna taking in the view at the top of the Gloucester Tree.
I made it to the top too. Behind me is where the native forest had been clear felled - tragic.
In later years Trenna cruelly labeled this photo "Greg killed the once tallest Tingle tree". Driving inside the tree was encouraged in those days as a tourist attraction. It was only later everyone realised it compressed the soil around the roots and damaged or killed the tree.
"We are going to have a picnic and more".
The stove got used whilst we were in Pemberton. As did the wine and Tia Maria.
"Felix with mum @ Bush picnic". A picnic in the bush near Perth. Trenna is about 40 years old, around the time she penned the observations in this post. July 1998
Trenna's letter of 9 August 1996 letter, as recovered from an old hard disk. You can see the de rigueur clip art.
The meat section in 2022. I didn't notice any whole carcasses in this refurbished part of the Queen Victoria Markets this time but the overhead architectural detail suggests meat hooks. No prizes for guessing where the random bloke looking at my camera in the middle of the picture is from.
A tiny part of the Deli section of the markets from my trip there in 2022. It evoked very strong memories of being there with Tren.
This photo taken by me in August 2022 is a tiny part of the Queen Victoria Markets.
Trenna on a Sydney ferry. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is visible behind her. March 1996.
Sydney. Greg in the left corner and the now defunct monorail above. We used the monorail a few times and were sad to hear of it's demise. The building is the Queen Victoria Building that we also loved. March 1994.
Our photos of our escape to Sydney were atrocious. This is easily the best. I know it was taken on that trip, but where, I don't know. The watch Trenna is wearing was given to her by her Legatee, Mr Harkness, when Trenna was quite young. She really appreciated the gift as the face of the watch was extremely easy to read. March 1996.
"Upside down lady legs". A huge eucalypt in the forest near Pemberton. Neither of us could resist the photo opp which was emblematic of the time we had camping there. 1-4 February's 1988.
"Me watching the fire while Greg reads me poetry".
Through some quirk of photography the diameter of the Northcliffe Bakery sausage roll seems about half of what I remember. Northcliffe, February 1988.
"Happily chatting by the fire"
Trenna glowing in the light of a new day. The sun streamed into that bedroom at about 5:30, so I got Trenna a coffee and something to eat.
I told Trenna in great detail about the traditional construction of post & rail fences. It turns out she wasn't all that interested in skilled axe work.
Trenna showing enthusiasm for the bush ballads I was reading to her.
It was track 4 on this album that I dedicated to Trenna in January 1988.
This is The Cottesloe Beach Hotel in November 2022.
Everyone called it "The Cott" in 1988. That beautiful cloudless blue sky is very typical of Perth in Spring and Summer.
She carried on to the next page with the budgeting, but I think she had a particular shirt in mind.
One of the back pages of Trenna's 1973 diary. I think she was doing some budgeting. The $2 thongs were things to wear on her feet.
Unbeknown to me Trenna taped me on the radio that night as she lay in bed listening.
The well dug by visiting Makassans. The tree in the foreground is a Tamarind tree planted so they could spot the well whilst still at sea.
I'm sorry, all these years after I can't remember where on the trip I took this photo, and I was never introduced.
The NT Legislative Assembly is a unicameral parliament with just 25 members. They have a 4 year, fixed term (well, I think that's interesting!). Public Domain Photo.
The Administrator's residence in Darwin. 2007 Image from Tourism NT
"S&B's seeds have grown".
There were plenty of tropical palm trees in Darwin, many fewer in the erroneously named Palmerston. 7 December 1994.
In about 2010 Trenna was delighted to find this book, written by Sir Isaac Pitman at a 2nd hand book sale. We bought it for 50c and Trenna looked through it but decided not to brush up on her lost skills. It doesn't seem to have a publication date.
It looks like it took them 3 months to type a 2 sentence letter without Trenna, which is in line with her assessment of how functional the company was.
The print I bought the night things started to click with Tren. Mike the printmaker has written on the bottom "Forget the bills. In youth security must be thrown, a future will grow from what is not known." That really resonated with Trenna.
The 70th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution tee shirt. This photo taken at McDonalds at Observation City in Scarborough. We were there for some family event. 8 May 1988. I had grown the beard back by then. (I don't know what we saw in those acid wash jeans!)
July 1988. Vacuuming the lounge room floor ready for Trenna to move in with me. The print on the wall is the one I bought on the night we got together. It originally had a yellow frame.
What I presume is a draft of Trenna's application to join HBF. It provides some clues of the dysfunction at Girlock.
The type of car Earl drove is lost to history. I imagine it was a 1960s Holden, like this HR model.
The "Better Call Saul" Season 6 recaps were published weekly as the episodes were released on UK TV.
A can of tomatoes can have more than one use.
The tomato can kept the green oxygen tube from rising up and getting caught on the sideboard. I glued a few discs of cardboard under it to get some extra height.
We always bought the 1 litre containers of milk and laundry detergent rather than have Trenna struggle with a 2 or 3 litre bottles.
When Trenna used her iPad on the upstand it was much closer to her eyes, so easier to see.
There were no shortage of palm trees when you looked from our balcony
Trenna and Greg trying to show Greg's Mum the barramundi that live at Berry Springs. 20 May 1995.
Christmas in Darwin. The framed print I bought on the night I first connected with Trenna, our TV, VCR and video tapes. Also Trenna's binoculars sitting on a copy of "Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide". The big red books near the top of the picture are our photo albums.
The Birds of Prey demonstration at the Territory Wildlife Park was impressive. 14 January 1995.
"Tren Doing the Dishes". Trenna marveling at having a dishwasher in our Darwin apartment. December 1994.
Trenna cooling off at Florence Falls in Litchfield National Park. December 1994.
"Greg Multitasking". Me using the front gate intercom whilst adjusting the air conditioning. That was a very modern phone sitting on some phonebooks near the fridge. December 1994.
"One item of clothing is more than enough to wear at any one time, underwear is definitely for formal occasions only". A barbecue on the balcony. I see we had 2 types of chilli sauce, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, beer and wine to accompany the meal.
We had quite a few boxes of books taken up to Darwin. This is during the unpacking. We put them into our Billy bookcases. The bookcases survived but the humidity gave the long shelves quite a bow (IKEA redesigned them in later years). The VCR sitting on the state of the art TV proved to be invaluable for entertainment in Darwin. 28 November 1994.
This was the other service we used. Interestingly, looking at the photo on their website I can tell that it is taken on The South Perth Esplanade, almost directly in from of where Craig House once was (No. 43). The car is in front of the Swan River, with Perth city in the background.
189 Wellington Street, Perth was the site of the Perth Dental Hospital where Trenna has some success. This photo was taken in October 2022, the building has another purpose now. It was a teaching hospital and I remember in about 1975, when I was on the dole, I went there. I had 3 wisdom teeth removed under general anaesthetic. It cost me about $5!
Some great items for sale in The Dungeon Market where Trenna frequently shopped. I would love to go through the 1973 market today but it closed many years ago.
A part of the TV page in The Sunday Times of 1 July 1973. At the time the newspaper was owned by Rupert Murdoch, before he was a US citizen.
The website of one of the services we used. The sort of ailments listed as "common" are exactly the sort of things that I could see us calling them about.
"Tren in Natural Habitat". Trenna and our friend Janine in our kitchen during our annual ANZAC Day barbeque. 25 April 2018.
The packaging for one of several seed/grain filled heat packs. This one was filled with lupin seed.
A packet of disposable wash cloths. Once they are warmed up in a microwave oven they are a much friendlier way to wipe your bottom.
A bottle on the end of the kitchen bench was a constant reminder to stay hydrated.
Trenna's ACROD permit was invaluable. Not only do you get to use parking bays allocated to disabled people, but often there are additional benefits.
Originally a Tupperware party giveaway this served Trenna well for years. If going out past the next pill time she would put what she wanted in here. She always feared loosing it, because it was so useful, but didn't. I used it the other night when I had to take some pills whilst I was out.
Trenna's ACROD permit was invaluable. Not only do you get to use parking bays allocated to disabled people, but often there are additional benefits.
Ensure powder comes in a big can. If you add milk instead of water it becomes even more calorific. We were buying it in boxes of six cans and Trenna was drinking it 2 or 3 time a day.
This movie, which Trenna saw at the cinema on 9 June 1973 is credited with starting the Kung Fu movie boom of the 1970s. I don't think they put a lot of money into marketing. This particular poster is one I grabbed off a noticeboard when it screened at my university, probably around 1979. I think they would do the poster differently these days.
The day after the final cardioversion Trenna and I went to lunch at the home of Helen and her husband Reuven. We didn't know at that stage that Tren's heart would go out of rhythm 2 days later and stay in AF for the rest of her life. 28 May 2016.
From 1972 the powder room in David Jones in Perth. Photo copyright is owned by State Library of Western Australia and used with permission.
This photo from 1970 is around the time the new City Arcade opened. Everyone is all dressed up to go to the city, which is what we did then. The Repertory is down stairs. Photo copyright is owned by State Library of Western Australia and used with permission.
The Teen Shop inside David Jones in Perth in 1972 looks like a happening place. Photo copyright is owned by State Library of Western Australia and used with permission.
The front page of the Daily News for 4 May 1973. The 3 women were from the visiting Daly - Wilson Big Band on tour in Perth.
Trenna's recipe for Bondas, dated 13 April 2006.
Page 51 from Charmaine Solomon's book has the recipe Trenna used, but she amended it for four serves, see below.
Trenna's workings of how to make Panthe Kowshwe for 2 nights, 4 serves. I have deciphered the blotchy bit, and it appears below. She includes the accompaniments. I don't know but I expect she wrote this in July 1994.
From the Daily News of 16 April 1973 it is clear there are some interesting things on. A Reflection of Fear, Funny Girl and The Poseidon Adventure are all movies Trenna has seen by the end of the month. She is too young to see "Clockwork Orange" on at the drive-in ("4th Smash Week"), to see the Delltones at the Old Melbourne, or the free gig by The Searchers ("direct from London, for one night only") at the Balga Inn.
The front page of a Perth newspaper for the first date in this Post. The Daily News came out in the afternoons, so these photos were taken on the morning of 16 April 1973. The caption in part reads "...the cold south westerly wind today played havoc with the girls' long hair as they went to work this morning. The girl on the left was dressed for the cold, but it was a case of shiver while you walk for the lass on the right." I picked this particular page because of the date, but the woman in the background on the right does look a little like Trenna. I DON'T think it is.
Dollop Cream was an essential part of the diet. This one is 36% milk fat. We put half a tub (no, I'm not joking), 100ml, of cream on a pie each night.
We are sure these helped Trenna maintain or put on weight.
Trenna used this not just for travelling, but every night when watching TV.
A dedicated spills recovery kit was always on hand and therefore made spills seem less or a catastrophe.
Blood pressure machine that gives an average of the last three readings, digital ear thermometer and a pulse oximeter. Three tools really handy for monitoring the relative health of someone with heart and lung failure.
Originally a Tupperware party giveaway this served Trenna well for years. If going out past the next pill time she would put what she wanted in here. She always feared loosing it, because it was so useful, but didn't. I used it the other night when I had to take some pills whilst I was out.
The bread maker we bought in Darwin and used for pretty much all our bread during that period. The alternative was bread from the freezer section of the supermarket. This photo taken in 2022, it still gets used occasionally.
The Magimix wasn't such a good present after all.
Trenna loved her rock chopper. It was physically easy to use, there is virtually no chance of cutting yourself with it and even if you can't see well eventually everything gets chopped up. It feature in many of her recipes.
Our collection of Global knives. Trenna really liked the two smaller ones.
We ended up with 4 global knives and various accoutrements. Trenna only ever used the 2 smaller knives.
So why are there two naked people canoodling near the beach at the start on this diary post? Pablo Picasso died on 8 April 1973. Given the time difference, possibly about the time Trenna was trying to extricate herself from the Fruitorium.
At 750 seats Cinema 1 was the biggest in Perth. This photo is by barryinperth and comes from the Cinema Treasures website ( where you'll find the Creative Commons License for the photo.
And an actual birthday party photo: "My 50th - smiley me, adorable Greg". Taken on 1 September 2007, at Trenna's "sort of a surprise" 50th birthday party at our house. That isn't some bad taste wallpaper behind us, it is ivy and pelargoniums growing on our back yard fence.
"View from 110th floor" 29 October 1981
"Atop World Trade Centre". Trenna went to the top of the twin towers on 29 October 1981.
Trenna on a ferry with the Twin Towers dominating the skyline behind her. 6 November 1981.
This is the actual diary that Trenna wrote in all those years ago.
The start of the March entries in Trenna's 1973 diary
"Penang, On Day Trip - Spice Stall". The man in the foreground is the day trip tour guide. 2 November 2007.
A selfie. I'll let you guess where it was taken. 17 October 2009.
Trenna in Paris. 17 October 2009.
At least 3 recipes from this month's menu came from this book.
This is a page from a word processor produced recipe book Trenna produced for the two of us. I made it the other day (August 2022) and it was excellent.
There had been a very nice garden there. The swimming pool preparations caused quite a bit of havoc, and a lot of weekend work.
This was quite an attractive bit of the garden before we started to pull it to pieces in preparation for the installation of our swimming pool. 1993.
Plaza Arcade in August 2022 - The Hay Street Mall end, near London Court. This is where Trenna and her friends met each day.
Barb has supplied this photo of the barbecue at her rented William Street house on 23 December 1972. Glen is in the red & blue shirt. Barb agrees with Trenna's description of Glen (see Saturday 20 January). Nancy is in the foreground next to him and Trenna opposite him in the right hand side foreground.
"HIP, Marg. Barb, Madge & CH girl at Rotto". Trenna's sister Barb is second from the left. They were on a Craig House outing. December 1966.
At Aunty Jan's (Mrs Anderson) 90th Birthday celebrations. 27 August 2017. Trenna was happy to be there.
That termite mound has to be at least 4 metres high. Eggs, Trenna and I on our way to Litchfield National Park. The Nissan Pintara served us really well in the NT.
Legacy Camp at Busselton. Trenna at the back, right hand side. 14 January 1967
70th Anniversary of Legacy. Trenna on the left, Matron sitting at the front. The last photo Trenna had of Matron. April 1998.
Trenna at the top of the Gloucester Tree on 1 February 1988. The tree at 58 metres tall (190 feet) is the world's second tallest fire lookout tree. According to Wikipedia "Only 20 percent of visitors climb to the top of the tree; most make it only part of the way before turning back". Trenna and I made it to the top - we thought we were legends. Then we noticed, from the empty cans, someone had done the climb carrying half a carton of beer!
Aunty Tren & Becky, 17 April 1976
"1979 Cloverdale Party - The Brown Years". Trenna wearing the red.
At the Langford house. Trenna's brother Colin visiting. Trenna nearly aged 21. 8 July 1978.
Trenna the bridesmaid, Viv, & groom & bride Bob & Helen outside the chapel 22 January 1977
9 September 1977 Old Group Section my 20th b'day 2 days away". At work at HBF.
"1978, Satin PJs Darling, Parkwood"
"1977 Feb, Buxton St girls Lulu, Mandy, me & Prickles, Janet visiting"
"1976 Sep Barb's Balga home our B'days". 19 year old Trenna returning to the house she lived in for a while.
"1975 Nov Bob & Hel mowing the jungle 19 MPR"
Grosvenor Deli & Gourmet where Trenna worked part-time whilst on the dole. No prohibition on advertising cigarettes then.
This doctor is a bit more interested. See the P.S. at the bottom.
Forrest House in 2010. Not as old as it looks. Thanks to Gordon from for the photo.
The GFS building. Photo taken in March 2013 by Gordon from when it was Townsend Lodge ("Economic Accommodation"). New apartments are being built on the site now.
"1973 Sunbaking GFS girls"
1974 Sep, Kings Pk, Nerria & flower clock Clock KP best yellow (neg)
1973, presumably Bec's 2nd birthday. Colin, Nancy, Rebecca, Alan, Barb, Trenna
"Old Chooks". Trenna and Nancy picnicking before the movie 27 February, 2018.
"Hubby, wife, sister". Before the movie on 27 February 2018.
This photo taken on 27 March 1993 as we tried to save whatever plants we could before excavation started.
This was the backyard, looking towards the house, immediately before the swimming pool was installed. The pool occupies pretty well all that grassed area.
Our jaffle iron in 2022 on the kitchen cooktop. The long "fish burner" is ideal for making jaffles.
Wine tasting with our friend Kuan, Millbrook Winery, 4 October 2008. Immediately before an excellent meal.
We tried various methods of getting a good tea or coffee.
The La Cimbali cost $750 on 6 November 1999. That was a lot of money, but we wanted nice coffee. See the note at the bottom. Interest charged at 30% pa - now that rate would catch your interest!!
Three different drops that Trenna enjoyed.
The front entrance to Bey Apartments.
Bet Apartments have been around a while
Tren's Pork Meatballs recipe. Tren usually wrote new recipes out on some recycled paper (this particular sheet is a "you didn't get the job" letter addressed to me). She would then make it, refine it, and if it was to be a regular, put it into her iPad.
I'm guessing that Di Giacomo was the Mum of Lisa, who used to work with Trenna in the Training Branch of HBF. I'm surmising that Trenna got Lisa to find out the ingredients in her mother's meatballs. Trenna then developed her own recipe from there. The list is written on the back of an "HBF Message Form".
Neale, Jan, Michael and Kelly before the 1993 Skyworks
Trenna talking with Jan - now there is a surprise.
Red-collared Lorikeets. Photo by Graham Winterflood. From
This 1965 Case Summary of Trenna's eye surgery (one of many) was signed by M A Walsh, confirming Trenna had a long association with that ophthalmologist.
The Perth Concert Hall where Trenna went for her first date. This photo from 2006 but it hadn't changed much since the 1970s. (Photo from
Trenna never got the octagonal album back but in later years whilst at an antique auction we spotted this box set and were the successful bidders.
After hearing this story in 2018 I found these three paperbacks at a book sale. Each was published in the early 1970s. Trenna confirmed they are the exact type of cheap paperback she used to read.
"Chain of Heart me". In the Fitzroy Gardens Conservatory in Melbourne. Trenna, Helen and I flew to Melbourne for a few days between the second and third cardioversions described in this post, but by then Trenna was already back in AF.
The Offspring - a very happy and fun crowd.
"The crazy mob on rusted roof for best view STAGE 2a". Watching and singing with The Offspring. Sorry the photo is a bit blurry, but you get the idea. 4 March 2013
"Lyle, Milka & me reunited STAGE 1a"
"Greg & me reunited STAGE 1a". The stage is set for Blink 182. 4 March 2013.
Inside the Darwin Aviation Museum. The large black blob towards the top of the photo is a B52 bomber. 15 November 1995.
This is a photo of our Nissan Pintara wagon about a year before we shipped it to Darwin. I had it for several years and it was usually very reliable.
"Spring, Snap Dragons abloom". Trenna in our Kensington garden in September 1993, the year before we went to Darwin.
Screen shot of the document from Trenna's iPad.
The entrance to London Court arcade in Perth city. The clock would have provided Trenna and her two friends guidance as to how long they could talk. Photo taken June 2022.
"Nancy & Colin, Richmond St" 1971
"Colin & me, Richmond St, Leederville". 1971
"Barby (mummy) & me". August 1971. At the Leederville house on the day Trenna found out she was an aunty.
"I meet Becky". Barb holding her daughter on the day Trenna first heard of Rebecca. August 1971.
"Me on 'Manotoba' leaving Rotto", September 1971.
"The Bride & me". Trenna at her sister Nancy's wedding, 9 October 1971.
My 2006 MINI Cooper S Cabriolet. Not necessarily a wise decision, but certainly a fun one.
Haddon Hall, just up the road from Craig House. It was demolished in 1976 - have we no shame? This photo, from Facebook was almost certainly taken during the period Trenna lived in the area. The car looks like an EJ Holden made in 1962-63.
Helen wrote her name on the Revolution side of the single. Hel, you can be the custodian for the next 54 years if you want.
A single Helen and Trenna bought together. Trenna wrote her name on the Hey Jude side. It was released in late 1968.
"Thongs, hot babe". Trenna trying on outfits for the 70s themed NYE party.
"Birds @ Two Peoples Bay" 23 November 1992. The black and white ones are magpies.
"The Mahneys @ Muresk" 7 November 1992. I believe this was in the dining hall. It is a historically old building.
Foundation Day 1972 at Craig House
At the Zoo in October 1972, near the end of her school years. Starting at last to look like a young woman.
Putt Putt Cannington. April 1973. Trenna on the right, it was the year after she left school.
Trenna's Achievement Certificate, issued after 3rd Year High School (Year 10). It confirms that "Speech" wasn't an assessed subject. It also shows that Trenna was good at Arts-Crafts, Business Principles, Homemaking and Typing. I would agree with all those assessments.
Trenna at Uluru in the Northern Territory on 7 November 2015. Nine days before her final cardioversion for the year. It was REALLY hot that day.
Trenna with Margaret at her wedding to Garry. 5 February 1972.
Trenna kept on the triangle theme when she created this tapestry, now framed and in my bedroom. She called it "Trenna Triangles".
"Groovy Fringed Desert Boots". 1971.
"Hotpants Overalls". Helen and Trenna in about June 1971 - their 2nd year of high school.
Trenna, Jason and Greg at Jason's wedding. It was held in Jason and Raquel's back yard in South Perth.
"Jase & Rac, parents of 1wk old Zara". 17 May 2014. The photo taken when they called in to show us the new baby.
" Me holding the crocheted by Terry, corner squares" 15 June 2014.
"Felix the back pain therapist". Trenna trying to get relief from a "body migraine" by lying still on our bed. October 1998.
Trenna really enjoying a meal in Penang, 7 November 2007.
The Thames and Houses of Parliament from the London Eye. 17 September 2009.
"The four of us. 9 October 1971". Trenna, Colin, Nancy and Barbara. Despite not being happy with her legs, Trenna was NOT going to wear a longer dress.
"Helen, Annual RSL Zoo picnic" September 1970.
"Me in Kent St Uniform". Trenna has dated this one as November 1972 which would have been right at the end of her time at high school.
1970 New Kent Street High School Uniform
"Araluen me OMG". Trenna in 1970, 2 months before her 13th birthday.
"Damper on a stick." Tren looks a bit apprehensive about the next step. Christine on the right. Camping at Dwellingup 2 August 1992.
Hmmm! I did seem to go to a lot of conferences and networking events.
Windsor Towers in 2022. Taking the photo my back is to the Swan River. It shows the hill Trenna and Helen would have climbed up as 10 - 12 year olds to have a smoke. The stairs wouldn't have been there.
19.30pm Posh nosh upgrade, Pilot Strike
12.35pm Towards the start of lunch. The Irwin Restaurant, which was immediately below the Registrar's office had never hosted a wedding.
The diary Trenna started just after we were married, in October 1989.
"Mofflyn kids at play 1961."
Trenna's Mum and Dad were married in the same Wesley Church on 16 August 1947.
"1978 Mofflyn Home me & Big Bell - Suffer the little children" (Trenna's caption).
Python not Boa (Trenna's caption). Alice Springs, 5 November 2015. After surviving the potential attack by the lethal bob-tail goanna, Trenna had no problem with a small snake.
Trenna always saw the value in taking some time to have a chat. Here she is with her sisters in our loft, which looks over the kitchen. 15 April 2017.
This upset the routine. Trenna turned 60 in 2017. She didn't feel up to going out to lunch so I set up a card table in the lounge room, set the table and bought a couple of take away burgers. It was a nice, low stress lunch.
Trenna returning from snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef. This was on 10 October 1991. She was very physically active in those years.
Trenna's Sisters with Mum White. 15 April 1990.
"Am off for a walk." Taken on Trenna's birthday in 2014. We went for a picnic at Noble Falls. And that's what Trenna did, fall. She mentions it in the notes of the September cardio appointment.
Trenna being interviewed by John for the City of South Perth oral history project. The photo was taken in our living room, 31 August 2016.
Trenna's Dad and Mum, Eddie and Jean, after they were engaged. 1947.
"Sleepy Jack, Tired Me." Christmas Day 2014.
Trenna cradling baby Jack. Christmas Day 2014. Jack was named after Greg's Dad.
"Greg relaxing after bachelors dinner." 10 June 1989.
A bachelors dinner at our house. 10 June 1989. Going clockwise around the table Eggs with his back to us, Karen, Anne, Christine, Colin. Trenna took the photo. This is our dining room that disappeared in one of our renovations.
A document from Trenna's iPad showing the 14 cardioversions she had.
A screenshot from Trenna's iPad showing a portion of the folders she used to store medical records.
Trenna in 2017. Hmmm! Pehaps she did need to see a psychiatrist?
"Happy & Relaxed @ Crowded House Gig." 14 November 2010, Sandleford Winery.
Trenna swinging at the family home, 125A Shakespeare Street, Mount Hawthorn. 1958.
"1957 Mummy holding me on the swing at home with Barbie, Nancy and Colin."
"1957 Nancy in Mt Hawthorn Primary School uniform & me in pram."
"1958 Daddy & me & our Austin".
Colin with Tren in the trike trailer, with Rocky.
1959 May, Mum's hanwriting 5 months before she died
1959 May, Caught in the act
"Little Trenna with her sisters and brother and all their cousins. 1960."
Trenna and her three siblings, at their cousin Shirley's wedding reception held at the Tawarri Reception Centre. January 1967.
At the Anderson's house, during school holidays. Trenna and Denny. August 1971
Marg, Barb, Madge and another girl from Craig House at Rottnest Island. December 1966.
The Paprika Chicken recipe. Alterations on the book in red or black ink were done by Tren, the rest by Greg - but only in consultation with Tren. As recipes like this were refined Trenna eventually re-typed them, at first on her laptop, and later on her iPad.
The cookbook we go from the cooking demonstration at the SEC's offices in the city.
We had a lot of excellent meals from this book. Trenna had it before I met her.
When I opened the Gourmet Traveller Magazine to photograph it this Melanzane recipe fell out. It appears to be from an STA travel brochure, and has Trenna's improvements on a post-it note. Trenna made Melanzane (pickled eggplant) quite often.
The Recipe Index of that magazine. I can see what attracted Trenna, it sounds yummy!
The first Gourmet Traveller Trenna got from her subscription. December 1995.
The Frankfurts with Noodles Recipe from the Commonsence Cookbook.
Tren and Barb having a can of Fanta each in a park. I think Trenna told me it was in Queen's Park.
I'm guessing it was something like this. Greg took this photo in 2021. It was on display at the Western Australian Museum.
Our pool under construction 9 April 1993. James from next door in the hole inspecting the work of what he called the Cat-bob.
Trenna's 2000 Suzuki Grand Vitara parked on our front lawn, September 2017. Getting Ready to sell it.
Little Steven Van Zandt as viewed from the mosh pit. We went to see Silvio from the Sopranos. We got Bruce Springsteen thrown in for free. Perth Arena 7 February 2014.
This is Charlie, 5 August 2015. We only had Charlie for a few weeks because she was a puppy, and it turned out exhausted us both. Don't worry, she went to a good home. I will do a seperate post on dogs where I will tell the story of Charlie and her predecessors.
Trenna's caption read "The hosts in new kitchen, 6 January 1991." Of note to me is the "Wisteria" coloured bench top, important staples on the bench - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Baileys and Tia Maria, the bone china cups (which Trenna brought into the relationship), the impressive at the time Chef brand automatic under bench oven, and the white china tea pot and the spoon rest, both of which I still have.
On the Tube in London. 15 September 2009. I think Colin Perry took the photo. I've only just replaced that satchel bag in 2022.
"Keaver, Matron's cat in a bin." At Craig House October 1971.
The actual watch Trenna bought that day. It needs a bit of TLC now, but it lasted years and years and attracted a lot of attention.
The sheepskin pad usually on Trenna's seatbelt could be quickly removed and put on my bag to cart stuff around more comfortably.
... and they are less boring.
Coloured glasses stand out way more than clear ones so there is LESS chance of them being knocked over. These particular ones are an Italian design - Aino Aalto. The design's circles are meant to be reminiscent of ripples in a pond when a stone is dropped in. They were first designed in 1932 but are still available today.
Trenna's long white cane. They fold and unfold easily and are great for clearing a path through Christmas shopping crowds. The knob on the end is interchangeable - Trenna preferred this fairly small one.
Pill cutters work really well. We had this one for several years, I wish I had got it much earlier.
Trenna (literally) found the iPad with the white bezel better than the black.
On our Sony Bravia it is the orange key. One of the few that stand out from the rest.
When our first espresso machine, a La Cimbali Domus died after many years of faithful service I brought home this Rocket Appartamento. Trenna didn't like that it was so blingy, but she liked the breakfast flat whites that came from it.
Perth City Lights from The South Perth Esplanade. November 1972.
Trenna wearing the skirt she wore to the rally (she didn't wear my blue singlet to the rally!).
She is pictured at my house (she hadn't moved in yet). The outside laundry and toilet are are on the right of the picture. February 1988.
Trenna preparing for a long casual lunch with her friend Linda. 30 December 2017.
Passing on possessions. 12 October 1994.
A farewell from friends Sue, Jan and Linda was one of a whirlwind of events. 16 October 1994.
Trenna's family were out in force at Perth Airport to see us off. Greg and Trenna are 3rd and 4th from the left.
Ready to leave Perth on our way to Darwin. 10 November 1994
"The Darwin Tip K&G" The (rubbish) Tip Shop was a wonderous place. Trenna took this photo when we took a visiting friend, Ken, to visit it. 20 October 1996.
Trenna and our friend Eggs checking out a termite mound a bit out of Darwin. 18 October 1996.
"Balcony spa next door". 25 September 1996. The balconies in the apartment block were reinforced to allow a spa to be installed. Actually installing the spa was another matter.
"Enjoy the view". 17 August 1996. Sunset over the Arafura Sea as seen from our balcony. Trenna & I had come from the West coast of Australia so had seen the sun set over the ocean heaps of times.
Our friend Colin visited from Perth EXACTLY one year after we arrived. Here he is at the Territory Wildlife Park. 12 November 1995.
School playground. Looking back in 2022 I believe it is one of the schools at Yirrkalla. Facilities were very basic. 13 October 1995.
Rock formation in the Katherine Gorge. The trees on the top give a better idea of the scale of the gorges. 10 September 1995.
One of the Katherine Gorges. 10 September 1995
"Orchids given to us". Barb and Natalie. 20 July 1995.
The Nightcliff Swimming Pool was a really useful facility to have just down the road from our apartment. This photo has our niece in the water on 20 July 1995 - during The Dry.
"Not so spare room". Barb and Nat set up in the second bedroom in our apartment. We bought the tropical sofa bed specifically for guests - we had plenty. 19 July 1995.
Trenna and Natalie relaxing in our apartment. 19 July 1995.
"B & me across the road from our apartment". 19 July 1995.
Bush fire prevention sign along The Track. 18 July 1995.
Pre Dinner drinks on our balcony with Barb. We are sitting at our Jensen Jarrah Table (which I still use). Behind Trenna on the wall is our cassette rack.18 July 1995.
" Chef Greg on the balcony". Cooking satays. 18 July 1995.
Trenna on Casuarina Drive, ignoring any Mango trees that might be nearby. 16 July 1995.
Rapid Creek Markets. They are bigger than shown here, but not massive, but nonetheless interesting.
The Arafura Sea with the tide going out. Photo taken from our balcony. 7 June 1995.
Swimming close to Florence Falls in Litchfield National Park. This was taken on another visit, in June 1995.
"Our balcony garden". Lots of the plants were from cuttings or seeds from Bob and Sue. It was pretty easy to grow a tropical garden in Darwin. 21 April 1995.
Not Darwin, but Seremban in Malaysia. This is the resort Greg stayed at whilst on the work trip described in this letter. 15 February 1995
"Fogg Dam Conservation Park". 31 January 1995. The photo doesn't do justice to what is a very impressive wetlands area. This was taken during The Wet, but I believe there is water there year round.
"Ready to fly". The birds of prey demonstration at the Territory Wildlife Park really was impressive. 14 January 1995.
Trenna swimming at Florence Falls in December 1994, not long after we arrived in Darwin.
Lightning over the sea and Christmas lights on the balcony of our apartment. No, that's NOT a multiple exposure, all that lightning is simultaneous. 30 December 1994.
288 Casuarina Drive, Nightcliff which we rented whilst in Darwin. That's Tren on the balcony, 3rd "block" from the right, 2nd top floor. Typical Darwin sky for December. 7 December 1994.
Unpacking in Darwin after the move from Perth. 28 November 1994. The shelves on the Billy bookcases are quite straight here, but the humidity eventually caused them to sag. VCR and tape on the TV on the right.
Tongue Pit groovers, 1 November 2014.
Survived the PIT - PUMPED.
Judy, Bob the security guy and Sue after the concert.
The Rolling Stones in Perth, 1 November 2014.
"You can't always get ..."
Keith's guitar (on the big screen) only has 5 strings. He talks a lot about "open tuning" in his autobiography.
Trenna in the foreground, Mick in the background.
Rolling Stones concert poster for the first Perth concert.
"Matron Elaine Templer. 1966."
Survived the PIT - PUMPED. 1 November 2014.
Tongue Pit groovers. At home after the concert. 1 November 2014.
Four in the Pit. Greg, Judy, Sue and Trenna. 1 November 2014
Poster for the second night Stones concert
7 year old Trenna, and Barb on school holidays with the Anderson family, camping at Meelup. January 1965.
Spot the waifs! Helen and Trenna, on the left, second row from the back. 25 August 1967, South Perth Primary School. Photo from the internet.
Model Craig House inmates [Trenna's caption]. January 1965. Everyone was quite a bit older than Trenna when she first moved to Craig House.
Helen & Reuven's Wedding Feast at Millbrook Winery with Trenna & Greg, 8 September 2011.
On Staten Island. 8 October 2013.
Craig House in August 1972 when it was for sale. Trenna out the front.
A weekend with her family (siblings) at their Bassendean house. 11 September 1968 - her 11th Birthday.
"Araluen Dags Love the specs" [Tren's caption], Trenna and Helen on top. 5 July 1969
Amos, Matron's dog, with Katie, Pat and Barb. Craig House behind them on the right. October 1967
"Photo Booth Babes" 23 February 2016.
Trenna at the Western Australian Art Gallery - 16 December 2012.
A screen shot from Trenna's iPad
"GIRLHOOD Sisters, 3 March 2015." Trenna and Nancy at a screening of GIRLHOOD at the Somerville Auditorium.
Trenna and Helen, 5 March 2015. Taken in our kitchen with Trenna's Canon G15 camera using the self timer.
Trenna and Nancy at the Somerville Auditorium to watch a movie, 22 February 2011.
Trenna and Nancy enjoying fish and chips at the Somerville Auditorium. A regular event in summer. This time to see "About Elly". 12 March 2013.
The 24 February 1973 Stones concert at the WACA in Perth was too expensive. Trenna's friend Nerria from GFS gave her this photo as a gift. I think it may have been taken by a photographer from a newspaper. In case it isn't obvious it's Mick.
Trenna's brother Colin at Craig House, March 1966
Barb and the backyard gumtree at Craig House, March 1966.
Tren and Barb at Craig House - in the bathroom presumably. 4 February 1968.
Matron Elaine Templer, 1966
Mofflyn Home - The Main 1960.
Daggy Tren & Cool Barb [Trenna's words] 9 September 1968
South Perth Primary School, established in 1898 is still there in Forrest Street in 2022.
Desk Rider pedal exerciser.
"Freo Arts Centre - Tired Tren, Poster & Drum Trio" 3 August 2013 - a very enjoyable recce-vite
Barb and Tren in fancy dress at Mofflyn 1962
Dressed, ready to rule - 27 July 1991
Kakadu rock art 26 March 1995
North Island of NZ. Escaping the earthquake -17 November 2016
Cherry blossom time in Tokyo 3 March 2015. You can see the zipper scar from heart surgery, which after a while she wore with pride, and the little Hohner harmonica we bought at the New York City Library.
The Perth Concert Hall in 2022 on the right. The Duxton Hotel used to be the Australian Taxation Office, same building, just refurbished.
Bey Apartments in 2022. I never asked Trenna what floor or flat she was in - if anyone knows please comment below.
I have walked past GFS many times but when I went to take a photo of it recently I found that it is now just a construction site!
Western Australia's Parliament House in 2022, not much different from 1974. This photo is taken from the Barracks Arch. Dumas House is the building on the left behind trees.
The Barracks Arch as it looks today, which is pretty much the same as it looked back in 1974. Photo taken in February 2022.
The Wesley Church in Perth city in 2022
Bishop's House today has been restored and is home to a very upmarket restaurant.
19 Mill Point Road, South Perth today. A bit of land at the front and side of a big apartment block.
Photo taken in 2022. The white building, No 43 was where Craig House was, the brown one next door was where the Bonnerups lived. At some point they still owned the penthouse.
This is the 2022 view of the Swan River and Perth city from the Craig House site.
Trenna's copy of Rosmary's Baby. New price 80c.
Black Sabbath - Perth 2016
Rival Sons at the Perth concert
Wingmen & Me 15 April 2016
iPad screenshot of Trenna's notes after seeing a specialist August 2018
Our home INR testing machine - well worth the money
"I had that one, Yum!" - Tokyo 1 April 2015
Screenshot of some of the photo folders on Trenna's iPad
Blanket Raiser - it goes under the mattress and the blankets over the top
Our electric fan heats and cools - for non-Australian readers, the floors and door are made of Western Australian Jarrah
Trenna's Medicinal Cannabis Oil
Viv (obscured), Bob & Helen at Mill Point Road - September 1975
18 year old Trenna and Prickles at Mill Point Road - November 1975
Some of Trenna's Diaries - one per year
The convent where Trenna learnt piano is still there in South Perth. Photo taken 2022.
St Joseph's Convent in 2022. When taking the photo I didn't notice any brooms parked on the verandah.
"Enjoying the lovely weather together in Wellington"
The T2 shop suffered a fair bit of damage - no bull!
The earthquake was hair raising. A shop near our hotel the morning after the earthquake.
Trenna's copy of the cook book. There are some good, authentic recipes in it.
Trenna's reply the next morning to responses to her earlier post
Trenna's Facebook post written in the hotel foyer after the quake
Baba on the left, Peter next to him
Baba with the guitar, Peter with the long straight hair - Photo from Helen
Trenna at the Old Mill, South Perth, which was very close to both Craig House and 19 Mill Point Road - September 1975
Trenna and Prickles, Zabby's pup, at the house - November 1975
"1960 Graham, me, Alex kindy friends".
"Trenna with ringlets, courtesy of her sister Barb" - 2 February 1964
Prague 28 May 2012. There must be a lot of keys in that river.
The postcard handed out at the celebration
The sand pit warning sign. Photo taken is 2021. Who knows how long it has been there, but there are no Town Clerks these days.
1959 Trenna & her Mum walking in King's Park
Greg and Trenna and the Blackwood River 19 June 2014
2009 Trenna and Greg on the top level of the Eiffel Tower. Surprisingly there were other tourists there too??
"Daddy & me on the swing he made at home. 1959."
"A work in progress." Trenna's Dad in 1954, 3 years before Trenna was born.
1947 Mum & Dad after wed- best
1947 M & D Engaged Hollywood Studios
Katherine Gorge in the Northern Territory, Australia
1959 May, Caught in the act- best
1975 Nov P & me watching the workers B & H - best
1977 Jul Buxton St Wayne & girl friend at 21st - best
Tren and the pink dressing gown, with Prickles. This was taken a couple of years later around 6 June 1977 when Trenna lived in Buxton Street, Mt Hawthorn.
Viv (obscured), Bob & Helen at Mill Point Road - September 1975
Helen with Zabby and 2 of her pups at the South Perth Foreshore - May 1976
Helen, Bob and Trenna near the Orbit Inn at the Perth Airport January 1976. Helen & Trenna were both 18 years old.
"Helen and Me on lovely wall adjacent to 19 Mill Point Road South Perth" - September 1975
19 Mill Point Rd - The guy is Bob Lee who features in a future recording - September 1975
1976, MPR Yellow Helen, Red flowers less yellow (neg)
"Me & Julie Foster, front yard Craig House". August 1971
"Julie (Pearl) Sue & Marmalade" August 1971. It looks to me like Sue is wearing Granny Sandals, and Julie has the thin metal bangles which were both mentioned in an earlier Kitchen Tape. A 1950s Holden going by in the background.
"1971, Á la Mad Dogs & Englishmen"
"Me & Mincemeat & VW." March 1971.
"Poser" (Tren's caption) 1971. Trenna on the wall at the front of Craig House. The long thin limbs are the result of Marfan Syndrome, rather than the need for a green plate.
1971, 3 Sue, Boy, Mrs Gibson - best
"Me & sunbaking GFS girls". 1973. Photo shows Marlboro cigarettes, a tranny (there was only AM band, no FM in those days) and Coke, as well as washing on the line.
Trenna (on the right) playing Putt Putt with Nancy on 15 April 1973 at Cannington.
Nerria lying on the lawn in Kings Park. I think it is safe to say that she has a milkshake as in 1974 that was about the only thing you got in a paper cup like that. September 1974.
"Nerria & me Adelaide Tce opposite GFS". Waiting with a new friend to use the phone booth across the road. September 1974.
This was taken in September 1974 when Trenna was living at GFS. She is standing under the Barracks Arch in Perth. The story of why she is there is covered in the next Kitchen Tape. Perth city in the background.
"Clock Kings Park GFS girls touristing". September 1974. The Swan River and suburbs of Perth in the background.
The kaftan sort of top and flared jeans. A photo from the walk. Trenna is at the base of Dumas House in Perth. The roof used to be open to the public as Legacy Lookout. September 1974
Trenna out the front of the Western Australian Parliament House. The Barracks Arch and Perth city are visible, and the Swan River is on the right. September 1974.
"Rose & me waiting opposite GFS for phone booth" September 1974.
Trenna in Kings Park on that day in September. The fairly recently built Mitchell Freeway is evident as is a 1974 version of the Perth skyline.
The brick wall at the front of Craig House. In this photo Trenna is on the left hand side of the for sale sign. August 1972.
12 June 1972, Foundation Day, Craig House. Trenna didn't mind the nickname "Spider Monkey".
1961 Oct, us & Daddy, photo by Aunty Carm - best
February 1964 ,Trenna in the "Chinese PJs"
1960 at Aunty Hilda's, Trenna was reluctant to stand still
"1962 Christmas Dad installing homemade Kindy phones"
"1960 Me, Mofflyn Kindy kids & teacher Doreen"
Camping at Meelup, January 1965. Trenna and Barb on the left with Mrs Anderson and her 4 children.
2010 our hotel room in Prague
Trenna mentions in this post that the Illawarra Flame Tree has never flowered in 11 years. Eventually it did start flowering, and most years it flowers well. Trenna took this photo of the tree's flowers one year and I photoshopped out the background. We actually printed it on a large canvas and it is on the lounge room wall.
Lunch on our front porch with our niece and her then boyfriend. 20 June 2019
Tren's Melanzane recipe. Written out by her on 6 February 2002.
Trenna used this book a lot, and would refer back to what she had recorded in the past hoping to get guidance for what was likely to happen in the garden in the immediate future.