Trenna’s Diary Summaries From Her iPad
In Trenna’s iPad she has written summaries of each year. As you will see from what she has written she has gleaned the information retrospectively from a wide range of sources.
As I reproduce them on this site I’ll take the opportunity to clarify and expand on some of the stories. Trenna wrote these summaries (and there are many of them) to help her and I recall our many experiences. It was probably another preparation she was making to tell her story, or knowing her, making it easier for me to tell her story.
I have pasted below her summary of 1988, the year we got together.
Trenna’s Words and Greg’s Comments
Our meal calendar
Our memories
Photos from Family + friends.
Greg’s work diary’s
My personal diary
My gardening diary
Dates we purchased items
Medical visit & procedure dates
Sat 2/1 – Going away party for Steve, Greg & me are interested.
GM in 2023: I tell the story of how we met and got together, HERE. It is a love story in four parts.
Fri 8/1 – Friday, Greg & my first date Shalhama Indian Restaurant, then Hillary’s Marina in the final stages of construction, then my place – I send Greg on his way..
GM in 2023: The reason I was sent on my way is explained in the link above.
Wed 27/1 – Greg & me Dinner (Lamb Shanks?) & me stay over, our first! 🙂
GM in 2023: That’s explained in that same four part story.
Mon 1/2 – Thur 4/2 – Pemberton our 1st camp away.
GM in 2013: That too is covered in that same four part story of how Trenna and I got together.
Sat 20/2 – Sue Field’s house (still married) dinner outside, Milka was the friendliest.
GM in 2023: Regular readers will know that for many years my group of friends met over the weekend to share a drink and to talk. We call it the Session. This was Trenna’s first Session at someone’s house. It was also unusual in that most of us hadn’t seen Sue for a number of years.
It turned out being quite a strange session. Sue was welcoming but her husband was not. I think that was why we were all made to stay outside. Some time later Sue’s marriage ended.
I’m sure it is hard for a new Session goer (as Trenna was). Most of us have known each other for many years. It is therefore significant that Trenna notes that “Milka was the friendliest”. Milka is still very friendly.
Sat 26/3 – Greg & me Dinner.
GM in 2023: I don’t recall this one, but it must have gone well as Trenna is at my place the next day for breakfast.
Sun 27/3 – Hot Cross buns on front porch for Breaky.

Sun 27/3 – Palm Sunday Rally Supreme Court Gardens 1.30. We have lunch @ HJ’s I buy Greg HJ’s watch.
GM in 2023: I tell this story in the post “A Burger with a Peace Rally, and a Watch on the Side“.
MAY 88
Sun 8/5 – Scarborough (Observation City) McDonald’s for Colin & José’s son, Toby’s birthday party.

Date deleted by GM – Brett Bradshaw born to friends Sue & Neil.
Tue 17/5 – Picked up piano from Christine’s women’s refuge.
GM in 2023: Our friend Christine managed a refuge and they wanted someone to take an old piano off their hands. It had a lovely cabinet and you could see where the candlestick holders had originally been fitted.
The keyboard however was wrecked, and I don’t think it played at all. We had it as an interesting, albeit large, ornament. We gave it away when we did our first home renovation a few years later.
Sat 21/5 – Colin & Linda’s dinner 7pm.
GM in 2023: Another odd night as I recall – and another marriage that didn’t last!
Thur 16/6 – Prickles goes missing.
Fri 17/6 – Eric Bogle concert hall I can’t stop crying as P is still missing.

Sat 18/6 – Greg & me Colin & Jose’s wedding dinner disaster.
GM in 2023: “Disaster” is a reasonable description. I won’t go into the details as wounds seemed to have healed, but there was a misunderstanding between Trenna’s brother Colin and his wife, and the rest of the family.
The ramifications lasted for years.
Fri 24/6 – Slim Dusty Concert Hall dreadful.
GM in 2023: Probably no one in the Australian music scene has been more lauded than Slim Dusty, but I agree with Trenna’s assessment of the concert. I am planning a post soon to explain why I (and Trenna) say that.
Wed 29/6 – Dinner at James & Jane Best’s house we wrote in their guest book.
GM in 2023: James and Jane (whose marriage has lasted, I’m pleased to report) live just around the corner from me. I knew James and Jane through my work at the WAIT Student Guild. We were one of the first people to sign the book, which they still have.
7/88 (???) – I sell my Blackmore Ave duplex Girrawheen(?) Move to Kensington.
Thur 7/7 – Surprise Birthday drinks for Bart at Black Pearl Bar @ Hurlingham, we walked there & home.
GM in 2023: Bart has been a friend for many years, and is one of the Session crowd.
Sat 9/7 – Arvo tea Helen & Bob’s.
GM in 2023: Helen is Trenna’s friend who has been mentioned throughout this website. Bob was her first husband. I remember Bob, who sadly has passed away, was a keen gardener. He gave Trenna and me some Bridal Creeper when we visited on that day.
Mon 11/7 – Fri 22/7 Greg Holidays
Sat 16/7 – Dinner @ Jan & Neale’s
Sat 23/7 – HBF dinner
GM in 2023: HBF is where Trenna worked as a Trainer.

Wed 24/8 – Quiz night for Trevor Vaughn’s Rugby Club. We won, Greg naughty ditty.
GM in 2023: At one point in the quiz night tables had to complete the limerick “There was a young lady from Dalkeith….”. Fortunately, I already knew a limerick that started with that line, and we won that part of the competition, and eventually the whole quiz night.
I still remember the limerick, but it is so naughty that I am not prepared to publish it here.
Trevor went on to become the Mayor of the Town of Victoria Park for many years.
Sat 27/8 – Sally & Trev’s dinner for Gill’s 40th.
Sally is Trevor Vaughn’s wife and worked at HBF. She decided to throw a surprise birthday dinner for her sister Gill, who was Trenna’s boss. I recall it being quite a good night – but there is a follow-up tale to this.
In about 2015 I was making a business phone call, and found I was talking to Sally, who I probably hadn’t spoken to for about 27 years. She revealed that at Gill’s 40th I had spoken passionately about doing work that you really enjoy.
As a result, Sally had changed jobs and she remained grateful for my advice. I was flabbergasted to hear this!
Interestingly, at the time I was the Education Officer at the WAIT Student Guild, I think the job in my life that I enjoyed the most. Not long after that dinner I changed jobs.
Date deleted by GM – Kelly Blackwood born.
GM in 2023: To our friends Jan and Neale.
Fri 9/9 – Colette’s going away BBQ @ her parents flash house Salters Point. NO tomato sauce!
GM in 2023: Colette worked with me at the Guild, she was a great colleague, but she decided to change employer. To mark the occasion she threw a party at her parent’s house for the people from work. We were all surprised to find that her parents were obviously rich. Apparently very rich.
They had a large, modern, multi-level house in a very good suburb, on a hill overlooking the Canning and Swan Rivers. A beautiful place. I remember we were all impressed that the house even had a cordless phone!!
Trenna and I were both therefore bowled over when we asked for the tomato sauce and Colette said she had none! Neither Trenna or I had ever lived in a house that didn’t have tomato sauce in the cupboard. And what’s more, we couldn’t believe that you would invite people to an Australian barbecue, and not have any sauce. Totally unbelievable!
Sun 11/9 – My 31st birthday.
Fri 16/9 – Work, I am sent to see Cardio Dr Stewart, am residing at Vista St.
GM in 2023: This was the start of the manifestation of Trenna’s heart problems which were caused by her Marfan Syndrome. She was at work at HBF when she suddenly felt very unwell. Mr Stewart, one of the senior executives there happened to have a brother who was a cardiologist, so Trenna was sent directly to him.
From that point Trenna was under the care of a cardiologist. In January 1990 she had major heart surgery.
November 88
Date deleted by GM – Christopher Bahn born
GM in 2023: To our friends Linda and Colin.
Wed 2/11 – Greg take Tren to Dr.
Thur 3/11 – Dinner @ The Lark, Vietnamese Northbridge.
GM in 2023: A really delightful, and pioneering in Perth, Vietnamese Restaurants where you could sit on a verandah and eat wonderful food.
Mon 7/11 – Fri 2/12 Greg holidays
Sun 27/11 – Jan’s for lunch, we dress there then go to Neil Purdy’s wedding. Greg fell asleep while dancing with me.
GM in 2023: Neil was a work colleague from the Student Guild. He married Karen.

Wed 28/12 – Greg’s 31st birthday
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